chapter 67 the on coming storm vol 7

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Ace pov

I stood in are aunt Winter office as snow began begging aunt Winter to send a rescue team to rescue Kai

I stared out the window as red lightening flashed in the middle of the sky

Snow: aunt Winter we've got to save Kai we can't leave him to Merlot wrath

Winter: their is not much we can do for him now he's beyond are reach

Snow: theirs gotta be something you can do aunt Winter theirs gotta be

Winter: I'm sorry but Kai is lost to us

Snow stormed out in the room leaving Ace and Winter alone

Ace saw a huge dragon Grimm coming out of the storm

The ground began to shake with it's loud roar it crashed against atlas hard light barriers causing the barrier to spark

The dragon Grimm blew green fire out of it's mouth the barrier held barely

A echoing of a sinister laughter echoed throughout the atlas as the dragon Grimm crashed up against the barrier once more causing it to sputter and die

Ace watch as Doctor Merlot stepped off the dragon Grimm

Doctor Merlot: honey I'm home

We see Kai laying unconscious in the dragon Grimm stomach before everything went dark

End of vol 7

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