chapter 78 hello darkness my old friend vol 9

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Ace pov

We arrived at a small village were we saw people selling their wears when a monstrous roar echoed throughout the village

A creature jumped down into the middle of the village and began attacking the residents

Shadow cat: get out of here me and Fang will hold it off

Ace: but we can help

Fang: we can't allow that if you die to the shadow you don't come back

Then Suddenly a armored figure came riding in on a black horse

???: everyone get to the top of the mushrooms now

We began running up the path listening to the sounds of battle disappearing behind us

We arrived at the top of the mushroom to see statues of people with terror edged on their faces

Snow: what happened to these people

???: they were consumed by the shadow

Ace: what exactly is it

???: for all the years I've been here even I don't know I've been awaiting your arrival Team SLVR

Blaze: who are you really

???: I'm surprised you didn't recognize me

Percy: how are we supposed to recognize you when your wearing a helmet

The armored figure removed his helmet revealing a older Kai Taurus

Kai: it's been a long time Snow angel

Snow: Kai

The last thing we is Krate awakening near a dark pool of water Krate was very much alive his hunt had taken him to the shadow realm he couldn't wait to find Team SLVR so he could enact his Vengeance he couldn't wait to watch them burn and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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