chapter 27 Neopoliten and Remus vol 3

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Neopoliten pov

Me and my son made are way towards the bullhead port to get out Vale before Kai discovered are location

I used my illusions Semblance to disgusie mine and Remus appearance

We handed are tickets to the pilot and took a seat on the bullhead headed for mistral

As the ship blasted off we saw whitefang swarming the airport entrances

Kai walked onto the runway and unsheathed his crimson blade

The security gaurds opened fire on Kai who deflected the bullets back at the security guards

Kai charged up his Semblance into a slash he slashed are bullhead out of the sky

I grabbed onto my son and jumped out of the bullhead as it went down in flames

I opened my umbrella and floated me and my son to the ground

As we landed safely onto the ground

Remus unsheathed his cane

Neopoliten drew her blade

Kai slowly walked through the flames with a sinister grin on his

Kai: you thought I'd let you leave so easily

Neopoliten gave a glare and charged forward ready to face the young bull faunus

Remus fired dust bullets from his cane at the whitefang swarming the airport

Kai got into a blade lock with Neopoliten

Fire started to engulf the airport flames appeares in between Neopoliten and Kai

Kai slashed at Neopoliten and Remus

Neopoliten grabbed her son shattered into glass and was gone

The last thing we see is Kai standing in the burning airport he sheathed wilt and blush he walked into the flames of the burning airport and disappeared into the flames and was gone and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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