chapter 51 the legend continues vol 6

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Ace pov

Team SLVR were seen fighting a group winged berinagels on top of a train

Ace runs off towards the turrets which were firing upon the Grimm and huntsman and huntresses alike he activated gunslinger destroying the turrets

Snow charged forward as Kai shot wilt out of blush and charged forward severing a berinagel head from it's shoulders

Jaune: tunnel

All of Team SLVR and Kai made their way towards the entrance of the train below

Time skip

Jaune stood in front of a mailbox and placed the letter into the mail box the letter read

Dear winter something happened that you should know about doctor Merlot has returned and is corrupting everything he come across I hate to inform you professor wukong died a traitor I know this letter might not reach you before I arrive if it dose I'll see you soon yours truly Jaune Arc

Ace ran past Jaune towards a hotdog stand were he ordered a hotdogs for his Teammates and Kai

Ace walked passed Jaune and handed out the hotdogs to his teammates and Kai

They began eating their hotdogs and two female huntresses approached Ace

???: so are you the one who saved haven from utter destruction

???: I hear you saved it single Handley

Ace: it really was a group effort

???: my names diamond and this is my twin Sapphire

Ace: nice to meet you but I have to go

Diamond: that's a shame I was hoping to have a good time

Snow: he's fifteen back off you bimbos

Sapphire: who are you his girlfriend

Ace: no she's my older sister

Kai approached the diamond and Sapphire and fired a bullet from blush between Ace and the two girls

Kai: I'd leave now before I bash your heads in with the blunt of my blade

Diamond and Sapphire ran off in fear of Kai wrath but not before giving Ace a seductive wink causing him to blush red in embarrassment Ace hoped today couldn't get any worse boy was he wrong thing were about to get very interesting

Jaune walked around the corner to say goodbye to summer and Mary who were returning to patch summer planned to adopt Mary as her daughter

Jaune: be safe you two

Summer: you too Jaune keep my grandkids safe

Jaune: I promise no harm will befall them when I'm with them

Summer: I'll hold you to that promise

Mary: mom the bullhead is about to leave

Summer: goodbye Jaune

Jaune: goodbye summer and you as well Mary

Mary embraced Jaune in a hug

Mary: thanks for saving me

Mary broke the hug and followed her mother onto the bullhead

Jaune: anytime kiddo

Jaune watched as the bullhead took off into the air and disappeared into the distance

Time skip

Team SLVR were laying on a bunkbed on a train headed to Argus were they would meet with a contact that could help them make it to the new city atlas on a mountain overlooking the ruins of the original city

Jaune was walking through the train when the train started to shake he knew that couldn't be good

Jaune: well fuck

Ace: uncle Jaune what is going on

Jaune: grab your weapons we have a job to do

Team SLVR climbed a top the train to see berinagel with with wings crashing into the train

Team SLVR ran into battle Kai activated his Semblance and cut through a group of berinagels that were charging at them

Diamond and Sapphire were battling Grimm only to be overwhelmed and killed

Ace activated gunslinger and destroyed the turret

Kai shot wilt out of blush and charged forward severing a berinagel head from it's shoulders Jaune saw a tunnel approaching

Jaune: tunnel

Team SLVR jumped inside the train the front of the train exploded causing the train to crash and everything went dark

The last thing we see is Jaune pulling Team SLVR and Kai out of the burning train he knew they were the only survivors and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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