chapter 35 a unexpected conversation vol 4

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Ace dream pov

I stood in a void were a golden dragon floated in front of me it transformed into a man with deer antlers

Ace: were am I

???: you are in purgatory a realm between life and death

Ace: am I dying

???: not yet child you are a special case you wield my power you are my guardian

Ace: what's a guardian

???: you are one of many I have chosen to wield my powers upon birth

Ace: but why choose me

???: because I believe you can defeat my brother before he destroys everything we have built

Ace: who are you

???: I am the God of Light

Ace eyes widened in surprise

Ace: how do I wake up

God of Light: your not needed yet be patient

Ace: alright

Time skip

Kai and the remaining members of team SLVR were walking through the country side of mistral

Kai heard a familar monsterus roar and a Grimm human hybrid ran at them with a great sword

They all unsheathed their weapons and got ready to fight

Kai clashed blades with the hybrid sparks flew as they clashed multiple times

Snow did quick slashes against the hybrid

Percy and Blaze charged forward they slashed their weapons drawing black blood from the hybrids wounds

The hybrid went into some kind of rage and blasted black energy from its eyes temporarily blinding Kai and the remaining members of team SLVR

The hybrid was about to finish them off when a blade impaled it from behind

The hybrid fell to the floor dead revealing their uncle Jaune

Jaune: hey kiddos miss me

Snow: hey uncle Jaune

The last thing we see is a pack of Grimm human hybrid tracking Kai through mistrals country side with one thought on their minds they must kill their target and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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