chapter 31 Neopoliten and the forgotten letter vol 3

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Neopoliten pov

I was walking through Vale late at night When I noticed a missing person poster on the wall I recognized Kai immediately though the picture looks like a hand drawn sketch

I approached the wall and ripped down the poster and threw it into a trash can I knew Kai must be furious that Belladonna girl was looking for him

Time skip

Neopoliten walked into juniors club and sat down at the bar and ordered her usual

Melanie and Milta sat down beside Neopoliten who ignored them completely juniors men started to surround the dance floor forcing people to leave the club Neopoliten got up from her barstool and picked up her umbrella and placed it behind her neck

Juniors men charged Neopoliten but she shattered into glass and then began attacking them from behind before shattering into glass once more after the thugs were defeated Neopoliten looks at juniors men with a disapproving glare

Neopoliten typed on her scroll

Neopoliten: better luck next time you bastards

Neopoliten gave junior one last look before exiting the club

Time skip

Remus pov

I sat in my mom's safe house going through Pictures of my family before my father died because of Ruby Rose I found a letter hidden in a book I opened it and began reading read

Dear Remus if your reading this then something went bad during the fall of beacon I tried my best to be a good father but I'm a criminal you know I did it all for are family I love you son signed Roman Torchwick criminal Mastermind ps take care of my hat

Remus closed the note and placed it back in the envelope and walked towards the window of the safe house

Remus: dad if you're listening from were ever you are know I am proud to be your son I'll protect mom no matter the cost

The last thing we see is junior chatting on his scroll with doctor Merlot and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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