chapter 32 Kais nightmares vol 3

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Kai nightmare pov

I stood in front of my father's burial pire when my father got to his feet and convulsed transformed in a black creature with bull horns and a sdc brand on his face

The beast pounced on top of me and a branding iron appeared in its hands it pressed the brand to my face

I screamed out in pain but the beast just kept on laughing

I saw my adoptive parent's laying in a pool of blood

The beast let me go and the dream changed

I was standing in front of a mirror were I saw the sdc brand burned onto my face the beasts shadow standing behind me with a sinister grin on his face

Adam: you can't hide from what you must become my son you are my heir

Adam put the sdc branding iron on Kai face once more while laughing sinisterly

Kai screamed in pain before everything went dark

End of dream

Kai shot up in bed with sweat running down his body

I walked towards the bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw my face it didn't have a sdc brand

I sighed in relief and made my way back towards my bed to hopefully not have a nightmare this time

Kai layed in bed and instantly fell into a uneasy sleep

The last thing we see is the shadow of the beast coming from Kai shadow and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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