chapter 42 Merlot dark experiments vol 5

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Merlot pov

I stood in front of a tube that held my heir her skin was white with a red grown on Grimm mask hiding her eyes

She screamed out in pain as her body started to become Grimmifide she blacked out as I injected a syringe into her iv drip

She awoke and roared a monstrous roar Mary was gone what was left behind was Merlots first perfect creation

Merlot walked away from the tube and approached a table were summer rose and three unknown men stood before the table

Merlot: welcome ladies and gentlemen to your new lives as my lieutenants

Summer: why do we need them

We see a man wielding a hand cannon get to his feet with a angered expression

???: because me and my brothers are the best of the best I'm Ronin and these are my brothers Shredder and Reaper

Shredder wore samurai like armor and Ronin wore a red armor with a black cloak on his back and Reaper wore a black cloak with black armor with a skull mask on his face hiding his true identity

Reaper: your one to talk brother I always clean up your messes

Shredder: yeah and you call yourself are leader Ronin your nothing but a child playing at war

Merlot: now that you've all been introduced we can start

The last thing we see is Summer eyes switching between Grimm red and silver the real Summer was still fighting to get out and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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