chapter 22 dire news vol 2

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Oscar pov

I stood in my office in beacon tower when I got word Team RWBY was attacked and was rushed to Vale hospital by Taiyang

I made my way towards Team SLVR dorms to inform them of this dire news

I knocked on the doorway of Team SLVR dorm

Ace Rose answered the door

Ace: can I help you professor Pine

Professor Pine: we need to talk

Ace nodded and let professor Pine entered their dorm room

Snow: what do you need to talk to us about professor Pine

Professor Pine: your mother's were rushed to the hospital by your grandfather your family's home is gone I'm so sorry

Ace: who hurt are moms and aunts

Professor Pine: we don't know yet no evidence was left behind

Snow: we need to go to the hospital now

Percy: I'm sure they'll be fine Snow they survived the war with Salem so they can survive anything

Blaze: we better head off to hospital

Professor Pine: I'll have professor Arc escort you to Vales hospital so you can see your parents

Time skip

Professor Arc lead them inside the hospital were their grandfather Taiyang was awaiting them

They each took a seat next to their mothers

Their mothers were unconscious from the damage to their bodies

The siblings and cousins took their mothers hands as they slept

Ace: do you know who did this to them

Taiyang: I don't know I just found them like this I put them in my car and rushed them to the hospital

Snow: who ever did this will pay for what they've done

Percy: but we don't even know who their attacker was

Blaze: we need more information before we act

The last thing we see is a red eyed Raven standing on the window cill of the hospital room and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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