chapter 15 Team SLVR vol 1

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Ace pov

Me and teammates were walking in Vale when their was a sound of a explosion coming from the docks

We made are way towards the docks to see terrorists robbing a dust shipments from the Schnee dust company

They killed the human gaurds and started to hook up the dust shipments to their bullhead

We jumped down in the middle of the docks

Remus signed get them

The Terrorists charged at the four cousins

Ace fired six shots at the nearest terrorists knocking them back their auras shimmered and broke knocking them unconscious

Snow slashed through a group of terrorists causing them to fall into a crate which Snow closed behind them

Percy slashed his claws through a group of terrorists he retracted his claws and the terrorists fell to the floor unconscious

Blaze slashed his katana at Remus who deflected his blade with ease

the four cousins surrounded the criminal with their weapons drawn

Ace fired six shots into Remus who shattered into glass and was gone

A bullhead appeared in the sky with Remus and Neopoliten inside the bullhead disappeared into the distance

Ace: why do I get the feeling I'll see him again

Snow: I have a bad feeling about this

Percy: we better call the police to pick up these terrorists we captured

Blaze: let's tie them up for the police to find

They tied up the terrorists and placed them inside the crate after they finished the police arrived on the scene

Team SLVR sat on boxes waiting to give their statement to the police

They watched as the terrorists were taken away

Team SLVR went back to beacon academy were their parents were awaiting them and they weren't happy

We see Oscar watching a video of Team SLVR battle at the docks when his scroll pinged he put down his tablet and picked up his scroll he had a text messege from unknown number

Mysterious figure: the doctor has pawns

Oscar: well that can't be good

End of vol 1

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