chapter 16 Doctor Merlot vol 2

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Doctor Merlot pov

I stood in the realm of darkness and watched as my mutated grimm ran amuck in the realm of darkness

I opened the door to the front door of Salems abandoned castle were I approached my creations they brushed their heads against my leg just like they were my loyal pets

I patted them on the head before walking towards the grimm pools were the God of Darkness was awaiting me

God of Darkness: you've made improvements on my creations very well done my servant

Doctor Merlot: I only exist because you allow it my master

Doctor Merlot walked inside Salems abandoned castle were he made his home

Merlot walked inside his lab were their were grimm inside test tubes slowly being injected with unknown chemicals Their bodys started to glow green

The mutated grimms were ejected into into the realm of darkness

Merlot began typing on a computer and added new grimm to the test tubes to began their mutations

Merlot sat in front of a computer console he went over his past experiments that Team RWBY and Team JNPR had destroyed on his old lab

Doctor Merlot: the day will come when my creations will destroy everything Team RWBY and Team JNPR ever loved

The last thing we see is Doctor Merlot releasing a mutated deathstalker a mutated nevermore into the realm of darkness and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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