chapter 45 a forgotten son of Ozma and Salem vol 5

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Ace pov

I sat in Raven tent as she poured tea into a tea cup I grabbed the cup and took a sip

Ace: so what's the truth

Raven: Dr Merlot was once Salems son before he became ambitious and went off on his own and founded Merlot industries

Ace: how come no one knew this

Raven: because oz didn't know he had a immortal child

Ace: so ozpin is Merlots Father

Raven: he once went by the name Osiris before he abandoned his true name for a new beginning

Ace: how do you know this

Raven: I've been keeping a eye on him eversense Salem was defeated and the gods of Light and Darkness returned to remnant

Ace: I'm supposed to believe you after you betrayed are family Before

Raven: you are so naive Ace I did what I had to payed for it dearly I lost my adoptive daughter Vernal

Ace: that is something you'll have to live with for your entire life

Raven: I've already payed for my crimes I lost everything

Ace: make a portal to my team and I'll be out of your hair

Raven: fine but after this were no longer family

Ace: we never were

Ace drove his sparrow through the portal as it closed

Raven: I know but I have a promise to keep and I intend to keep it no matter the cost

The last thing we see is Ace appearing the middle of the mistral shopping district he was one step closer to a reuniting with his Teammates once more and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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