chapter 20 Snows crush on the young bull vol 2

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Snow pov

I sat in a park staring at a young bull faunus with red hair who was reading a fairy tale to the faunus children in the park

Ace: why do you come here every afternoon

Percy: I'm guessing to see him

Blaze: seems Snow has a crush

Snow blushed in embarrassment

Ace: why don't you go ask him out already

Snow: I don't know we've never truly spoken

Ace: then be his friend for now and then work up to asking him out

Snow walked towards the young bull faunus

Snow: hi I'm Snow mind if I sit here while you read to the kids what's your name

???: my name is Kai and no I don't mind at all

Snow sat down on the bench beside Kai who continued to read The fairy tale called the shallow sea

Snow stared at Kai as he read the fairy tale to the children

As the tale came to an end Kai smiled a genuine smile as the group of faunus children made their way back to their families

Snow: that story was amazing you seem to know it by heart

Kai: thanks its my favorite fairy tale sense I was a child

Kai got to his feet and began to walk away

Snow got to her feet as well

Snow: can I see you again

Kai: sure I'm always here reading too children after their done with school

Snow watched as Kai disappeared into the distance

Ace: very well done sis you got yourself a friend

Snow: shut up Ace

Blaze and Percy snickered sarcastically

The last thing we see is Kai walking into the whitefang warehouse with a genuine smile on his face and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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