chapter 12 Blake's greatest mistake vol 1

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Blake pov

I sat inside a dark room I saw I was handcuffed too a pipe I broke my thumbs and pulled my hands out of the handcuffs

I slowly reset my thumbs I made my way towards the doorway then I hid behind the doorway to wait for the doorway to open from the outside

Two whitefang thugs entered the cell and realized I was gone I slammed the first thug into the doorway knocking him unconscious

The second thug went for his pistol only for me to headbutt him knocking him unconscious

I saw gamble shroud hanging on the wall

I grabbed it off the wall and grabbed my scroll and made my way through the building

Right as she was about to exit the building she saw Kai walking with Neopoliten they were looking through maps of Vale they were up to something and it couldn't be good

Blake: what are you planning Kai

A flashback played before Blake's eyes

Blake flashback pov

A seventeen year old Blake layed in a Vale hospital were she held her firstborn Kai for the last time she held him close to her heart

Blake: know that I'm doing this to protect you from your father I'm giving you up for that reason know that I love you very much

Blake hesitatently handed her son to his new family tears started running down her face as Kai disappeared around the corner with his new family

End of flashback

Blake came back to the present and exited the building she had a job to do she must warn Oscar about the up and coming attack on Vale she couldn't allow another fall of beacon to happen again

The last thing we see is Blake running towards a bullhead headed for beacon academy and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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