chapter 24 a merciful choice vol 2

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Ace pov

We were sitting in a bullhead headed for mountain Glenn with professor Arc

Professor Arc: remember to follow my orders to the letter remember this is a recon mission were searching for any sign of Doctor Merlot were here to learn what he's planning before it's to late

Team SLVR jumped out of the bullhead and drew their weapons

Professor Arc drew Croce Mor

Professor Arc: remember if we come across mutated grimm leave them to me

Team SLVR nodded their heads in confirmation

Team SLVR walked inside Merlot industry's were they saw old test chambers full of grimm human hybrids

Professor Arc: I knew Merlot was crazy but I never thought that he'd take it this far

Ace approached one the test tubes when all the grimm human hybrids eyes shot open and began banging on the glass test chambers

Professor Arc: their alive in their what the hell

Ace opened a computer console and began to read The first diary entry

Today I took another group mountain Glenn citizens for my experiments with no one the wiser Ozpin is truly a fool not to realizing I'm taking citizens of mountain Glenn under his nose for my experiments let my greatest experiments begin this is Doctor Merlot signing out

Ace read the second diary entry

Today I failed at transferring grimm essence into my human subjects they died a horrible deaths I don't envy their fates but I won't stop till I create my perfect grimm human hybrids this is Doctor Merlot signing out

Ace read the final entry

Finally I succeeded in creating grimm human hybrids but the worst has come to pass mountain Glenn has fallen and I must abandon my lab I'm not happy to abandon my creations but I can always return once mountain Glen is safe again this is Doctor Merlot signing out for the final time

Ace: should we release these unfortunate survivors of mountain Glenns fall

Snow: I don't think we should their to far gone

Percy: then they should be put out of their misery so they no longer suffer inside their test tubes

Blaze: I agree with Percy it would be a mercy

Professor Arc: then it's decided

Ace: I'll do it

Professor Arc nodded his head in acceptance

Ace walked over to the computer console and pressed the button to turn off life support

The grimm and human hybrids stopped breathing and went limp inside the test chambers they were stuck inside they disappeared into shadows and were gone

Ace closed his eyes as tears started running down his face he had just given them mercy but why did he feel guilty

Snow hugged Ace close as tears ran down his face

Snow: your alright little brother big sister is here theirs no reason to doubt yourself you set them free

Ace: then why do I feel so guilty

Professor Arc: it's apart of the job of being a huntsman and huntresses you'll get use to it in time

The last thing we see is Team SLVR and Professor Arc look at the test chambers one last time before exiting the building and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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