chapter 1 Ace Rose vol 1

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Ace pov

I walked through Vale late at night I walked inside a dust shop I went to the magzine stand and picked up a weapon magazine to think about upgrades for Ace of Spades

When a group of thugs entered the wearing brown and pink clothes wielding guns and blades

They were followed by a woman wearing white and pink clothes who I recognized as neopoliten the late sidekick of Roman Torchwick

A thug approached me and aimed his pistol at the back of my head

Thug: freeze kid or I'll shoot you were you stand

Ace: I don't think so

Thug: what you got a death wish or something

Ace turned around quickly and fired a shot off a dust bullet into the thug

The thug went flying through the window

Neopoliten signed the well get him

The thugs surrounding Ace and opened fire with their guns while the other thugs charged him with their red machetes

Ace dodged the bullets and blades easily

Ace activated his Semblance golden gun shoot each thug with golden gun and broke each of the thugs aura

Neopoliten signed to Ace you are really are your mother's son

Ace fired a fire dust bullet at neopoliten and it hit her and she shattered into glass and was gone

Ace: why do I have the feeling I'll see her again sooner rather than later I have a bad feeling about this

Ace heard the sound of police sirens blaring in the distance police arrived on the scene and the police put Ace in a police cruiser and drove him to the nearest police station were he was placed in a interrogation room to be questioned on the events that had just transpired Ace sat in a chair and waited to be questioned by the police

Ace sat in a police interrogation room for what seemed like hours when suddenly professor Pine entered the room

Professor Pine: Ace Rose you have silver eyes

Ace: isn't that what Ozpin said to my mom when they met for the first time

Professor Pine: yes but it feels natural to say it but I see it as a side effect of having Ozma inside my mind for so long

Ace: I guess that's understandable

Professor Pine: now to the matter at hand how would like to go to beacon academy with your sibling and cousins

Ace: more than anything I want to prove myself as a huntsman so I'm no longer a outcast in my family I want to prove that I'm strong just like my sister and cousins

Professor Pine: well okay I know you'll rival even your parents in strength and in spirit you are truly unique Ace never forget that

Ace: thank you giving me this chance professor Pine I won't let you down

Professor Pine: I know you won't my boy your grandmother would be very proud of you never doubt that

Ace looked down at the thought of his deceased grandmother Summer Rose

Ace: thank you professor Pine

Ace exited the police station and made his way towards bullhead headed towards patch were he planned to tell his family the good news and he hoped his family would finally be proud of him

The last thing we see is a white cloaked figure floating above Ace invisible the white cloaked figure giggled with delight before disappearing into rose petals and was gone and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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