chapter 82 taking back control vol 9

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Ace pov

I floated in a void as Dregen yor controlled my body I watched as he tried to get through the portal at the tree

My family appeared by the portal and began fighting Dregen yor

I heard Phyrra voice in my head I felt light beginning to grow in my body

A loud explosion of light enveloped my mind my soul glowed with pure light severing Dregen yor from my body

Dregen yor: no I won't be trapped here for another a million years

Ace: no you won't your dust

A beam of white light began burning Dregen yor until Ace activated gunslinger and blasted Dregen yor to dust

Krate charged at Team SLVR only for the shadow to turn on him and knock him to the ground and began devouring him

Team SLVR walked towards the portal and Kai looked at angel one last time

Kai: Fang take care of angel okay

Fang: I'll protect him if was part of my pack

Ace: let's do this together

Team SLVR and Kai jumped through the portal and ended up in a void were a man wearing a white mask and white robes was awaiting them

Mysterious figure: welcome to the my study I've been awaiting you for a long time

Kai: who are you

Mysterious figure: I am the speaker I speak for the God's of light and darkness and they have a gift for you five

The speaker approached Kai and transformed him back into his normal age

The Speaker: you all have a great destiny before you I think it's time for you to return to remnant

We walked up to the portal and gave the speaker one final look before walking through the portal

We saw Vaquo surrounded by the army's of humanity we were ready for whatever comes next Merlot better beware the strength of humanity and the faunus the war had only just begun

Ace: we thought hope was lost but humanity will always find a way back we stand together humanity and the faunus we will watch are enemies fall We may have lost the light but it was never really gone all it took was one spark of hope you don't save the light the light saves you

End of vol 9

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