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Aiko frowned down at her phone.
'Is this a joke?'
She questioned reading the message over and over again to herself for the hundredth time.

It was from Tadashi industries.
Claiming to be a direct Email From the CEO Saito Tadashi.
Yes his company has sponsored several of her videos and the recording and release of her music, and his assistant was one of the few people on earth who knew A.Z's actual identity but I've never heard from him.

Dear miss Zhu,
because of your recent music popularity Tadashi Industries has thought of an idea to boost your possible up coming career in the music industry that could benefit the both of us.
if you are interested please respond within the week so we can schedule a meeting

-Tadashi, Saito

She chewed her nail.
'Is this a prank? What idea?! What does my music have to do with this?!'
Her mind reeled, confused about this new development.
But she breathed in and slowly started typing back.

Dear Mr Tadashi,
I am interested but I would like to know what this idea is before hand, if it is possible for you to let me know soon that would be amazing.

'Is this to informal? Should I sign it A.Z or Aiko Zhu? Or Zhu, Aiko like he said Tadashi, Saito?! Yeah! Yeah that sounds right? Should I wait for a few hours so I don't seem desperate? But that would be unprofessional! Right?'

She tried that. typing- Zhu, Aiko and leaned backwards inspecting the message.
'As good as anything I suppose.'
She quickly pressed send before she could over think it.

Which is what she did the rest of the Saturday afternoon.
She ended up trying to edit her Omegle video to destress.
But after getting to the part with Kaminari she put it aside and continued to stress over the email.
'He is a busy guy Aiko! You can't expect him to respond right away!'

'Its not right away it was like six hours ago!'
She argued with herself until a ding interrupted her thoughts.

She jumped up and grabbed her phone to see

One email.

She clicked and saw it was from Tadashi Industries.
Aiko gulped and hesitantly opened it.

Dear miss Zhu,
I'm glad that you are interested, I think this would be a wonderful opportunity for the both of us.

The idea that we are suggesting is a sponsored concert-

She didn't finish reading before she let out a gasp.
'Holy shit.'

'HOLY SHIT!!! A concert?! That's sounds awful and amazing at the same time!'
Aiko shook her head and continued reading in excitement.

- Tadashi Industries is willing to sponsor a concert at the purple diamond consert hall.
If you are still interested call my assistant at xxxxx for details.

I look forward to working with you.
-Tadashi, Saito.

Her eyes widened and a smile grew across her face.
'Concert?! Purple Diamond consert hall?! That's not even that far!'

She typed the Purple Diamond consert hall into her browser and pressed search.
And sure enough in was located in Musutafu, Japan not far from UA.
It had a fairly large auditorium with a large stage and, it was owned by Tadashi Industries.

She quickly punched in the number from the email.
'This is the moment I find out this is all a prank...'
She thought looking at the call button.
'But it would make an ok embarrassing storytime video.'

She took a deep breath and called the number.


So turns out it was legit, very legit.
So legit in fact Aiko Zhu walked into Tadashi Industries main building for her meeting with Saito Tadashi himself.

The girl nervously fiddled with her fingers as she slow walked to the front desk.
'The hell am I supposed to say?!'

"U-um hi? I'm-"

"You must be Aiko Zhu."
A voice said from behind the trimbling girl
Aiko recognized it as the woman that she spoke with previously on the phone.

"Y-yes ma'am!"
She bowed after turned around.

"Right this way, Mr Tadashi is expecting you."
The older woman smiled at Aiko and she nervously smiled back.

The tall woman turned and started walking gesturing for Aiko to follow her, which the young girl did, very cautiously as though one wrong step and everyone would scream at her.

The woman lead Aiko to the elevator.
She was pretty with long black hair and pale skin.
Aiko briefly noticed that she had what appeared to be gills on her neck.

'Something to do with her quirk I guess.'

"As stated in his email Tadashi is offering to sponsor a concert, you don't have any reason to be nervous dear! Mr Tadashi is quite nice."
The assistant assured Aiko in hopes it would stop the girls trimbling and the elevator dinged.

The two got out and made their way into a office.
Waiting at a desk was Mr Tadashi Saito.
He had red hair that had greying streaks and bright blue eyes.

"Welcome Miss Zhu! I'm so glad you agreed to meet with me!"
He welcomed with a genuine smile.

"Thank you f-for inviting me Mr Tadashi!"
She responded with a bow cursing herself for stuttering.

"My pleasure! Would you like some tea?"
He offered.

"No I'm fine but thank you."
Aiko smiled politely.

"So straight to business! As I stated in my email I am more then willing to sponsor a concert for you! If you're interested of course."
He said, he seemed nice but also slightly serious. He seemed the type to joke around but be serious when needed.

Aiko nodded.
"I am, but I was just wondering... Why exactly? I mean as far as I know Tadashi Industries hasn't Done anything like this before."
She asked playing with her fingers nervously.

He laughed.
"Well lots of reasons really, business wise we would profit off of it and possibly get more reach to your fans but I have to be honest it wasn't my idea to begin with."
He then smiled as though remembering something.

"My daughter Nishi is a fan of yours and has brought the idea up to me before, and she's told me she wants you to sing a song she has written."

Aiko tilted her head.
'I didn't know he has a daughter.'

"Now I won't make you sing something you don't want to, and I'm not the type of person to pretend like everything my daughter does is perfect, but I assure you the songs are good they just need someone to sing them."

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