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I had a good bit of drafts so I decided to post again 💖
You're welcome


Needless to say, Aiko had another shitty weekend. Thank God she still had Sunday to decompress.
But then the dreaded Monday rolled around and Aiko had to haul her ass to school again.
'Fucking Mondays.'
She thought, clicking her own as they waited in their seats for Mr Aizawa.

The stoic man walked in as usual signifying the start of homeroom.
"Alright settle down."
Aizawa says in his usual monotone voice.
"We have an announcement."

The class sweatdropped at that. It wasn't often they got a happy announcement.
"The annual UA Sports festival is going to take place in exactly a month."
He said and the class's atmosphere changed for nervous to excitement.

Aiko thought, even though she was excited she had one nervous thought.

"It'll take place on the last Saturday of the month."

Aiko clicked her pen quickly.
Her being nervously was completely justified because her concert was on the last Sunday of the month.

Literally the day after the UA Sports festival.
'Shit I have so much to do, I have the concert to finish preparing for AND I have to train for the sports festival?! That's a lot... What if I can't do it?! What if I get injured at the festival and can't preform the day after?! I'll probably be exhausted because usually students take the Sunday after to rest! Oh god...'

Aiko's clicking got even quicker as the students around her talked in excitement about what was to come.
Bakugou was yelling his usual: "I'll kill you all" and Uraraka was shouting: "ILL DO MY BEST!" Over and over again, each time with more ferocity. To the point where she was actually scaring her other classmates.

"You nervous?"
Denki asked, breaking Aiko from her thoughts.

Aiko asked, finally ending the clicking that was starting to bother her classmates.
"O-oh... Yeah I guess... I just have so much to do before then."
She said, putting her head in her hands.

"I'm sure you'll be awesome. I mean you have one of the strongest quirks in our class! You could beat most of us without even training that much before hand. You're naturally talented."
Denki said and Aiko blushed.

"I don't know about that... I mean you could K.O anyone is less than a second."
Aiko mumbled.

"Yeah, anyone but you."
He pointed out.
"My electricity wouldn't do anything to you, I'd be toast if we had to fight."
He groaned.

"Well not necessarily, you're physically stronger than me. You could still win."
Aiko told him.

"Yeah guess. But anyways, don't worry Aiko! You'll crush it!"
Denki smiled.

"Thanks Denki."
She said bashfully.

"You know if any of the challenges need it, we should totally team up!"
Denki said with a flashy smile.
"Our quirks will totally work great together!"

"Yeah! Yeah that sounds awesome!"
Aiko agreed. Though she had a few second thoughts. What if he ended up ditching her? What if she fell behind and he left her?

She didn't doubt him, she doubted herself for not being able to keep up.

She had a long list of things she had to do before that weekend.

"H-hey Jirou?"
Aiko said, Jirou turned around in her seat.

She asked Aiko, Denki looked between the two.

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