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"Zhu they could expell you for that..."
Midoriya mumbled and Aiko nodded.

"I- I know! God I hate myself... Why did I have to do that?!"
She cried into her hands.

Not just because she was probably going to be expelled but... Bakugou was her friend. She should have talked to him, Instead of hitting him. Because that go nowhere, it's not like that was going to make him change his opinion and realize he was wrong. If anything hell just get to mad to care.

"I'm dead. I'm soooo dead. Midoriya what's the likely hood of him tracking me down and actually killing me?"
Aiko asked and he shrugged.

"Well I didn't do anything to him and he hates me enough to hit and bully me. So I'd say pretty high after this."
He answered honestly.

"HOLD UP! I'm gonna need the two of you to start explaining things right now."
Hotoki commanded.

"Also where do you want us to drop you off?"
Nishi asked Midoriya after grabbing a snack.

"My house, here's the address."
He said handing his phone over.

"There's this guy in my class named Bakugou, he has serious anger issues. He was saying some stuff about quirkless people and I punched him..."
Aiko explained.

"And drug broccoli head all the way out here?"
Hotoki asked, grabbing some of Nishi's popcorn.

"Y-yeah... I don't know, I just didn't want Bakugou to take his anger out on you."
She said, hanging her head In guilt.
"Sorry, that was poorly done."
She whispered.


After dropping Midoriya off They were able to continue her schedule for today with interruption and before Aiko knew it the sun had been down for over an hour.

"It's about time you head home."
Nishi said and Aiko nodded, dreading school tomorrow.

"You know you could always skip right?"
Hotoki suggested walking out with Nishi and Aiko. They weren't coming home with her tonight because of a school project, but she was still taking the Limo.

"No I can't, that's just gonna guarantee my expulsion."
Aiko chuckled.
"God I fucked up."
She whispered, guilt gnawing at her from the inside out.

"Well even though violence wasn't the answer, you had good reason. Plus your principal might take into account the fact that you did it in defense of other people, not yourself."
Nishi suggested.

"Yeah! It was very... heroic!"
Hotoki agreed.

Aiko shook her head.
"No it wasn't, heroes are supposed to be patient and able to discern when to use violence and when not to use violence."
She argued.

"We're trying to be positive!"
Nishi groaned, Aiko made it so hard to look on the bright side.

"If all else fails tell them your A.Z and throw some influencer weight around!"
Hotoki suggested.

"I can't do that, it's not right."

"Then if you do get expelled you could always apply to Shiketsu, I'm sure they'll take you. Especially if you were in the UA hero course!"
Nishi said and Aiko nodded.

She said climbing into the limo.
"Thanks for everything guys."
She said while shutting the door. She groaned and laid back in her seat. Tomorrow was gonna suck ass.


Aiko didn't sleep a wink last night. But in typical "I want to avoid talking to anyone" fashion she still got to school at the last second.
She swallowed down her dread as she slowly slip open the door.
She was shaking as she peeked in, only to see the people present for her "fight" weren't in the classroom.

Aizawa stated when he saw her.
"I'd make my way to the principal's office right now if I was you."
He said without another glance in her direction.

She thought as she bowed to him.
"Yes sir!"
She said leaving the curious gazes of her classmates, who had no idea what happened yesterday. The moment any kid involved entered the room they were immediately told to go to the office.

Nezu was interviewing each kid present on the incident individually. Except of course the two involved. Bakugou was waiting with a black eye in the office for Aiko to turn up.
Nezu had a pretty good grasp on what happened, dispite the fact that his security cameras didn't have audio.

He spoke to Mina, Sero, Denki, Jirou and Midoriya. All of which answered honestly on what happened.
Midoriya gave a word for word on what Bakugou said and they others gave similar accounts.

Aiko walked into the room outside the office where her friends were waiting.
Mina jumped up hugging her.
"It's gonna be alright!"
She assured her Friend when she couldn't think of anything else to say.

Aiko mumbled.

"Aiko Zhu, you may go in now."
The receptionist said looking up briefly from her online solitaire game.

"Yes ma'am."
Aiko said. Her mouth felt dry as she reached for the door handle. Anxiety riddled thoughts echoed in her mind as she began to enter the room with her principal and her injured classmates sat.
She opened the door slowly.

Bakugou's red eyes glared at her and tracked her every step.

"Ah welcome miss Zhu! Tea?"
Nezu greeted.

Bakugou yelled and Aiko flinched back.

"Bakugou I'm so sorry I-"

"Please have a seat Zhu."
Nezu said and Aiko hung her head. Sitting down obediently.

"So I've spoken to your friends about this incident and I believe that you both are in the wrong."
He concluded, Aiko's head jerked up.

Bakugou argued.

Nezu Hummed.

Bakugou screamed and Aiko flinched.

"If you're so familiar with our code of conduct then you'll know that hate speech is also prohibited."
Nezu said and Bakugou immediately shut up.
"And from what your friends tell me that's, what triggered Zhu into physical abuse. Meaning I have plenty of reason to expel you both."

'Fuck, fuck, fuck.'
Aiko thought, she didn't want either of them to be expelled.
"What?! Don't expell him please! This was my fault I should be punished!"
Aiko said shaking her head.

Bakugou looked at her in surprise that was quickly masked with a glare, while Nezu didn't look surprised in the slightest.

"If you'd let me finish Miss Zhu."
He said and Aiko nodded.
"I'm not going to punish or expell either of you. You've both showed extreme potential in the field of heroics and I wouldn't want to ruin your futures."
Nezu said.

'Thank fuck.'

Bakugou yelled, not very happy at all with this development.
"You're not even going to punish her?!"
He yelled and Aiko looked away.

"Bakugou do you have any idea why Aiko did what she did?"
Nezu asked.

Aiko bit her cheek and fidgeted.
She could figure where this was going.

"Aiko Zhu was actually raised by a single mother who is in fact quirkless. Meaning you insulted an entire group of people that included people that she loves."
Nezu told Bakugou. Aiko didn't look at either of them.

"Even though what you did was wrong she did it for the right reasons and I commend her for having the courage to stand up for others.
Though please, next time don't do so with physical violence. This is a warning for the both of you, I won't be so understanding next time."
He said and then he dismissed them.

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