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Aiko yelped as she recognized the man she knocked out just yesterday.
"It's you!" She with a gasp.
"You're the guy that's been following me around!"

"And you're the girl that hit me in the head with a brick. My name is detective Naomasa and I've been involved with the USJ case.
I'll be asking you a few questions."
He said simply and Aiko flushed.

The man that's been following her around was a detective... And he's been doing it because she's a suspect for a case.
Shit she assaulted a Detective. Yep she's definitely going to be expelled.

"She hit you with a brick?! When?!"
Mic asked and Aiko shrunk down.

"Yesterday, that's why we decided to do this today. I couldn't question her until now, since she technically committed an actual crime."
He said sat down in the seat next to Aiko.

"Okay but in my defense I thought you were stalking me! Well you were stalking me, but I thought it was for nefarious reasons! I had no clue you were a detective! And If I did I definitely wouldn't have hit you! I was just scared okay?!"
Aiko pleaded. Yep there goes her hero career. Down the drain, she'd probably be thrown in jail after this.
"Why am I even a suspect?"

"Well you've been physically violent, you been suspicious when it comes to after school activities. You've lied to your friends and technically you have a motive."
Aizawa listed out.
At least now Aiko knew why he didn't like her.

"It was Aizawa's idea to look into you."
Nezu said with a smile.

"Wait, what Motive?!"
Aiko asked.

"Well statistically most villains have had some sort of trauma in their past, such as bullying... Tragic Death in their family. What we believe is that the situation around your sister's death could have caused you to rebel against society."
Naomasa said, looking through his new notebook.

She rolled her eyes and threw her arms up.
"Oh great! So this is about Tora now."
She crossed them over her chest. She wasn't scared anymore really. Just pissed.
"Wish I'd beat her to it..."
She mumbled.

"What was that?"
Aizawa raised his eyebrow.

Aiko said, glaring.

"Listen, all we need is for you to tell us the truth about what you've been doing after school. Once we know you're innocent you can leave."
Naomasa said calmly.

"I have a job."
Aiko shrugged.

"Not at Tadashi industries, we did research. You're not an employee there."
Aizawa snapped.

"Now hold on. She isn't lying."
Naomasa put his hand up to silence Aizawa.

"What do you mean? How would you know?"
She asked.

"My quirk allows me to hear lies. It hasn't gone off yet."
He said nodding at her.
"She's telling the truth, or at least a half truth."

Aiko sighed, knowing what she was going to have to do to show her innocence. But she wasn't exactly excited about it.
"Alright listen, I can explain everything... I'm not employed at Tadashi industries because I don't work for them. I... I work with them."
She stated.

"Can you be more specific please."
Naomasa asked.

"I'm... I'm a YouTuber alright? I've been a faceless YouTuber for a few years now and I have a business relationship with Tadashi industries. They're helping me put together a... A concert. I've been secretive because I don't want my identity leaked before my show."
Aiko confessed.

Aizawa scoffed and looked at Naomasa. Expecting a lie. But the man nodded.

"She's telling the truth?"
Aizawa asked.

Naomasa shrugged.
"Yeah, now I need you to say "I am not a villain" really quick. Just to make sure."

Aiko rolled her eyes.
"I am not a Villain. I am the YouTuber A.Z and I am not the UA traitor."
She stated.

"Alright! That's a wrap then, she's clean."
Naomasa clapped his hands together.

"I know you!!! You cosplayed me one time!!"
Mic clapped his hands and Aiko frowned.

"Yeah but that was before you were my teacher. Now it's a little weird."
Aiko shrugged.

"Nah I don't think so."
Mic said, he was actually kinda excited to know who she was. Because A.Z was pretty much a celebrity and he'd heard a lot of her political opinions.
"So you excited for your concerts? You know I was in a band once. It totally rocked!"

"No it didn't, you guys sucked."
Aizawa deadpanned.

"So you only hated me because you thought I was the traitor right?"
Aiko asked Aizawa.

"I didn't hate you."
Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"Yes you did. You totally did, I can tell when a teacher doesn't like me."
Aiko said.
"Also you wouldn't let me sleep in class."

"People are not supposed to sleep in class."

"You sleep in class!!! You literally bring a sleeping bag to work!"
Aiko pointed at him.

"Yeah well I also work at night, what's your excuse?"

"My excuse?! I'll tell you my excuse! I haven't gotten a full night's sleep in two weeks because you guys decided to stalk someone with diagnosed Anxiety!! I couldn't sleep at my own house because I was scared that someone was going to break in, kidnap me and kill me before cutting me up and throwing my body into a lake! I stayed up until my mom got home so I could make sure she wasn't attacked by the person driving the weird black car parked down the road! That turned out to be you guys!"
Aiko stood up.
"Not to mention the fact that not only am I going through hero training but I'm also preparing for a concert! All while keeping my grade above a B-!!!"
She stomped towards him.

"Give me my bag back!"
She demanded and Aizawa did, his eyes were wide and he obviously hadn't expected her to yell at him like this.
Aiko reached in and pulled out the notebook, throwing at Naomasa.

"So tonight I'm going to get a full eight hours of sleep! And then I'm going to go to your class and nap! And if you have a problem with it you can suck my dick!!"
She pointed at Aizawa with a glare, before stomping out of the room and slamming the door.

She peeked back in quickly.
"Also please don't tell anyone about me being A.Z... or expell me for yelling at my teacher.
She said before ducking back out.

"Well that went well!"
Nezu smiled, sipping his tea.

"How so?"
Aizawa asked.

"Well we learned many important things."

"Like not to stalk teenage girls? God men are so clueless."
Midnight rubbed her eyes.

"Yes! but we also learned that
Aiko Zhu is not the traitor. She is a famous celebrity who is probably going to be one of the biggest pop stars of her generation,
and when pushed she can be very passionate. All meaning she'll be a very great hero."

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