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So ig there was a new update and I can't figure out how to post pictures and videos on my actual like story. Which stinks lol.

If someone knows how to do it please comment Below, I'm mega confused now.


"Well, what were you two youngsters doing on the roof anyways? You should know students aren't allowed up there!"
Recovery girl lectured.

"We were um... Talking?"
Shinsou coughed out and Aiko nodded.

"And talking activated your quirk?"
She looked up at Aiko. She was clearly trying to get something out of them and neither of them were having it.
Aiko at this point was willing to die for Shinsou's "secret" just because she couldn't look at him without seeing Tora.

She said with a smile.
"M-my quirk is triggered by my emotions... It's easy to lose control of it."
That part was true. Her quirk was easy to control. But not in that moment, her body and her quirk had been in perfect sync when she was saving him.

Like her emotions were her weakness and her strength. If she aligned her quirk with her emotions she could harness the power and use it to break her limits.

"Oh? Why were you so emotional?"
She asked.

"Why do you keep asking questions?"
Shinsou snapped.

"Why can't you just humor a little old woman?"
She said with a bitter smile.

'Gee she isn't going to leave this alone is she?'
Aiko thought, pressing her lips together.

"Well I just told him..."
She looked over at him and he lightly shrugged, out of ideas.
"I admitted that I had a crush on him in middle school... A-and he laughed at me and it was embarrassing! S-so can we please just not talk about this?!"
She said without even thinking, yeah sure just another lie on the tale her and Shinsou had been spinning! No big deal.

What sold it was her stuttering and his blushing mess. Both kids looked humiliated.
So recovery girl nodded.
"Ah how rude of him! Apologize now young man! That is not how you treat a lady!"

"I-I'm sorry?"
He mumbled, glancing over at her.
It was a lie right? Yeah she was just lying to keep his secret safe, that's all.

"That's okay..."
She whispered.

"Now you two shoo! You're both a clean bill of health! Out of my office!"
She shooed them both out the door and slammed it behind them.

"Sheesh, that was a close one."
She mumbled awkwardly.

"Yeah totally, I didn't think she'd ever shut up."
Shinsou said, glancing over at her.
"Soooo, I guess I'll see you later then?"
He said.

"Yeah, yeah totally uh... I can give you my phone number, so we can keep in touch?"
She asked.

He shrugged.
"I'm not gonna do it again, so you don't have to talk to me just because of... That... I'm not normally like that I swear, I just... I wanted to do something to show those people that their words effect people and I didn't feel like I could've ended up doing any great with my life. I figured no one would miss me anyways, so why not make a statement."

Aiko nodded. that's part of what Tora had written in her letters, among other things. She was hopeless and figured if the only way she could make an impact was dying then it was worth it.
"I think I understand, but I want your number because you're my friend. Plus I am worried for you."

"We're friends?"
He asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah? I mean, only if you want to be."
She said, holding out her phone.

"Yeah... Yeah I do."

A/n: yeah you guys are NOT gonna like this part. Comments are gonna be so great tho lol.

"So you have your number to a guy?"
Monoma asked with a glare.

"Well yeah but it wasn't like that! He's just my friend."
Aiko shrugged. She hadn't thought it was a big deal until Monoma saw his name on her phone.

"Yeah right, what if I had been talking to Tris huh? You wouldn't have liked that!"

"No, but that's different!"

"How is it different?! She's a girl!"

"Yeah and she's also your ex! And she hates me! You can't just pick someone you know I have problems with as an example!"

"And you can't just hand out your number to random guys!"
Neito ran his hands through his hair.
"Forget it, you're too immature to understand being in an actual relationship."
He turned away.

"I'm sorry okay! I didn't think it would be a big deal!"
She put her hand on his shoulder.

"No it's fine. It doesn't matter what I think, I'm just your boyfriend."
He crossed his arms, shrugging her off.

"Listen he's... He's suicidal and I want to help him okay? He doesn't have friends..."

"Sure, go be depression buddies with him. Slit your wrists together See if I care."
He rolled his eyes. He wasn't showing emotion anymore. He didn't seem angry or hurt he just seemed cold.

"H-hey... That's..."
She shrunk back. Her lip trembled.
"Why would you say something like that?"
She asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Why are you pretending to be the victim?! You're the one that's cheating."
Monoma hissed.

"I'm not cheating! I'm sorry okay! I just want to help him!"
Aiko said, rubbing her eyes.

"So I'm the bad guy now? Fine then. Go be the hero and save him."
Monoma crossed his arms over his chest.

"Come on Neito! It's not romantic at all, he's just a Friend that happens to be a guy!"
Aiko tugged on his sleeve, trying to get him to look at her.

"Yeah well he sure does seem important to you, if you actually loved me you wouldn't care about him."
He said.

"I care about him because he reminds me of my sister! A-and if I couldn't stop her from killing herself then I have to at least try to stop him!"
She said, a crying mess.
"I love you you know that! But I can't just watch as someone else goes down the same road as my sister! I can't!"

"Your sister killed herself?"
Monoma asked, finally showing some sort of emotion.

"Yeah, when we're were thirteen? I guess I just never thought to mention it to you."
Aiko backed off, rubbing her eyes.
"It's not important right now, I'm just trying to help someone okay? Isn't that what heroes are supposed to do? Help people?"

"Whatever, like I said earlier. Do what you want."
He said before glancing over at her. Aiko's stared down at the floor. He rolled his eyes and she didn't see it, he grabbed her and hugged her. Setting his chin on top of her head.
"If you feel like you have too you can talk to him. I really don't care."

Aiko sniffled and nodded her head.

Once again, he's a dirtbag... We know this.

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