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"You'll be paired up in randomly assigned groups of two, but each group can choose what to write about for the project."
Vlad said reading from his paper.
Aiko shook in her seat.

Aiko panicked, There were literally two people in this class she wanted to be in a group with And two that she'd rather die then be paired up with. The other student seemed nice but she didn't know any of them at all.
"Kendo, Itsuka with..."

'Please be me please be-'

"Snow, Tris."
Vlad said and Aiko flinched.

"Zhu, Aiko with..."
She held her breath.
"Monoma, Neito."

She let out her breath and smiled slightly.
This wouldn't be so bad, she liked Neito and he seemed to at least tolerate her presence. So they would probably be able to work together easily.
She turned around to look at him and he gave her a thumbs up and a smile. Aiko smiled back but she wasn't the only person who saw Monoma's gesture, Tris nerrowed her eyes at them from across the room and frowned to herself, but didn't say anything.


"I'm sorry I can't!"
Aiko said sheepishly.

"Ughhhh you never can!!! Why can't you ever hang out with us?!"
Mina whined.

"I-I'm sorry I uh... I have uh-"
Aiko struggled, she'd used practically ever excuse she could think of, and her friends (mainly Mina) were actually starting to ask questions.

"You know she has a Fucking job right? She doesn't just sit around all day like you."
Bakugou scoffed.

Aiko looked over at him and he nerrowed his eyes. Normally that would've intemadated her but he was currently Saving her ass with a perfect excuse she could use over and over again.

"You have a job?!"
Denki asked loudly.

"Quite down."
Aizawa said glancing up from his papers.

"You have a job?"
Denki whispered.

"I uh... Yeah, I just didn't want to tell you guys cus..."
She glanced at Bakugou who raised an eyebrow, signaling she would have to think of this one on her own.
"Because I was embarrassed to say my family needed more financial help, especially after I started ua..."

'Wait this is actually perfect! I can use this all the time now! And technically it isn't even a lie, it could be considered a job! And my family is Fucking poor!'

"Awh there's no need to be embarrassed of that!"
Mina hugged Aiko.

"Yeah you can tell us whatever! We promise not to judge you!"
Denki said with his usual bright smile.

"Wait... How did Bakugou know and not us?"
Sero asked and Aiko froze.

"Cus she works with my mom? Also it wasn't any of your damn business anyways."
Bakugou said. Damn he was good at this. Telling half truths that were actually pretty Fucking convincing.

"That's cool! Why do you do?! Where do you work?"
Mina asked Aiko.

"Well it's sorta just a paid internship at Tadashi industries, I'm basically just a Gopher for the stylists there. Like Mrs Bakugou!"
Aiko lied. It was believable and basically perfect!

"Wait! Tadashi industries? That sounds familiar!"
Denki said.

"Uh yeah! Those are the people sponsoring A.Z!! Omg have you seen her?!"
Mina asked with a loud gasp.

'Yeah, Everytime I look in the damn mirror.'

Aiko chuckled
"No! I heard that they're keeping all of the preparation for the concert underwraps! They're being really secretive about it you know?"
She said with a smile.

"Bummerrr if you do run into her you HAVE to tell me! Pinkie promise!"
Mina stuck out her pinkie.

"Okay... Sure..."
Aiko took Mina's pinky in her own and gave it a small shake. It was a bold faced Fucking lie.
But hey, who cares?

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