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She tried, she really did but it wasn't fun.
She walked in and popular music blasted her ears, making it difficult for her to understand what was going on.
Kids were in a group, jumping and singing along to a song that Aiko didn't know the lyrics too and she immediately felt out of place.

She scanned the group looking for any of her friends but couldn't find anyone.
The group of kids was too thick for her to even attempt to push through and she felt her anxiety rise.

She sent Mina a text saying she was here but really didn't want to blow up her phone and seem super desperate. Plus For all Aiko knew she could be in a closet somewhere fucking her new girlfriend.

The crowd seemed to be mostly general study students that Aiko didn't know. She Wondered breifly if Shinsou was there, but the brushed it aside. This totally wasn't his scene, he was probably at home gaming or something.
Well Aiko didn't even know if he gamed, but he seemed like the type.

She made a beeline to the bathroom, praying that there was someone she knew in it.
She opened the door to see Tris in a dark blue dress, it was tight and hugged her body, with only spaghetti straps holding it up around her shoulders.
She had dark black makeup and bright red lipstick, small shiny clips stuck into her short hair.

'I meant someone I knew AND liked.'
She thought with a frown.
Tris glanced over, looked Aiko up and down before finishing her lipstick reapplication. Even though she didn't need it, her lipstick was so bright you could probably see it from America.
"Hey acorn."
She said coldly, snapping the cap back onto her expensive looking lipstick.
She didn't say anything else after throwing it into her bag, she just checked her hair and walked out in her tall black heels.

'I hate you too bitch.'
Aiko thought, walking to a stall and just sitting there on the toilet.

"Just make sure he sees you and..."
Nishi hugged Aiko tightly.
"Try to have a good time okay?"

'Well I already failed at both of those.'
Aiko thought glumly.
She took in a deep breath.
'Maybe I should go back outside. Look for Mina or Maybe Kirishima?'

She sighed and got up, flushing the toilet as though she had actually gone to the bathroom.

She got out and was met with the blasting music that preasnt Mic was playing. He was jumping around, dressed in his pro hero garb. He randomly shouted things that prompted the kids to yell back.
'They're having a good time. Why can't I?'

She saw a flash of blonde hair and immediately recognized Kaminari. She took a few cautious steps towards him and then stopped when Ibara jumped up to him.
She was laughing in a beautiful white gown, he grabbed her hand and spun her around as they danced and then.
He pressed a kiss onto her mouth.

That's all Aiko saw before they were once again covered by the crowd.

Aiko thought, all of a sudden feeling really upset. She looked to the side and walked towards the exit quickly, tears forming in her eyes.


Ibara shoved Denki Kaminari away the moment their lips met and he realized he totally ruined the whole thing. She was being really fun and kinda flirty but he realized he had read her "vibes" all wrong.
She said something, but he couldn't hear what, the music was pounding him in the head.

He watched his date retreat and for the hundredth time he wished he hadn't cancelled on Aiko.
He felt a tap on his back and he spun around, Mina and some cute freckled girl was behind him, she yelled something but he pointed to his ears and shrugged showing her he couldn't understand what she was saying.
Mina rolled her eyes and leaned to the other girl "Coco" practically yelling in her ear.
The girl nodded and made her way over to another group.

Mina grabbed Denki by the wrist and pulled him to a quieter area.
"Where's Aiko?!"
She said, he could hear her much better now.
She had pulled him to Jirou, Bakugou and Kirishima over in one corner by the snacks.

He shrugged.
"I don't know, I haven't seen her!"
Denki said.

"You haven't seen your date?"
Jirou asked, hold what looked like a glass of punch in one hand.

"Oh! No me and her didn't go together, I went with Ibara!"
He said. He totally forgot to tell them this.

"Oh, so she cancelled on you? That's weird."
Kirishima said and Denki shook his head.

"Well no, Ibara asked me yesterday so I figured I'd go with her."
That's when he got bitch slapped in the face.

Mina wasted no time before she knocked some sense into him.
"What the fuck?!"
She hissed.
Denki looked at her dumbfounded, his hand against the area on his cheek that now stung from Mina's assault.

He asked and Jirou scoffed.

"You cancelled on her the day before?!"
They both yelled in unison. Kirishima stepped in between them, putting his arm out and stopped Jirou before she could have a go at him as well.

"Well yeah I thought-"

"NO YOU DIDN'T!!! You don't THINK Kaminari!! You're so dense!"
Jirou lectured.

"God you're such an idiot Kaminari!!"
Mina yelled and Kaminari looked at her confused.

That stung, a lot and as much as he wanted to he couldn't smile right now.

"That's what I thought!!! I thought that I was just an Idiot that no one wanted to be around!! I thought that she would rather go alone than with me!"
He yelled back.

Jirou scoffed.
"What are you talking about Kaminari?! Why are you acting like-"

"WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?! IM TALKING ABOUT YOU! BOTH OF YOU!! ALL OF YOU!!! Every time I talked about tonight you all felt the need to remind me how lucky I was that Aiko was kind enough to come with me. You told me that she could do better and that she asked me out of pity!! So I'm sorry that I got the impression that she didn't want to go with me!!"
He yelled at them, finally snapping and dropping his smile.

"O-oh... Kaminari we were just picking-"
Jirou chuckled, though she suddenly felt really bad.

"But that's all you guys do! All you guys do is insult me, and pick at me and joke about me! Can you guys think of a time you guys genuinely said anything nice to me?! Or about me?! Because I really can't! And I've tried really hard to..."
He sniffled and rubbed his nose on his sleeve.
"I'm gonna go find Aiko, I... I guess I really screwed up... Like always."

He darted off, looking around at any place Aiko would go. He doubted she would go into the crowd without someone she knew so he found the nearest exit and opened the door.
His yellow eyes scanned the yard outside, they landed on Aiko...

And someone else, dancing in the courtyard.

'I guess... I'll have to talk to her tomorrow...'

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