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Aiko sat down next to Monoma at the table. Everything was already set out and Aiko started to assume the Monoma family had at least a cook employed.
"Hey there! I'm Neito's dad."
A friendly looking man with greying brown hair said with a smile. Unlike Sora he seemed quite friendly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Aiko Zhu."
She smiled at the man as he took his seat at the table, beside Sora who was on her phone.

"Sora honey, no phones at the table."
He gently reminded his daughter.

"Mom's not here yet."
She stated without looking up.

"Well now I am, put your phone down young lady."
Mrs Monoma said, emerging from a room behind Sora. The older teen rolled her eyes and put the Device away in her pocket.

Mrs Monoma was intemadating. She had long ash blonde hair and light brown eyes. She was tall and somehow still had a perfect figure, even after having two kids. She was wearing a red blazer and a tight red skirt, making Aiko once again feel very underdressed.

"And what's your name?"
She asked, staring Aiko down after sitting at her place beside her husband.

"Aiko Zhu, uh thank you guys for having me."
She said nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"No problem! I think you two should invite friends over more often actually! I like having company!"
The dad said, seeming like a ray of sunshine beside his wife.

Aiko started eating after both Neito and Mrs Monoma did, hoping she didn't screw up in some way. The food was good, really good actually but Aiko paced herself.
The last thing she wanted was to eat too much and embarrass herself.

Mrs Monoma broke the silence.
"What's your quirk, Zhu?"

Aiko swallowed her food.
"It's uh, it's called Storm. I basically can manipulate weather related elements and stuff to create and control storms."
She smiled.
"I can also withstand and control the power of a lightening strike."

"How the fuck did you even figure that out?"
Sora mumbled, playing with her food.

"Sora! Language!"
Her father lectured, appalled at her use of the word "fuck"

'Note to self: don't curse in front of his parents.'

"Well that's how I found out I had developed my quirk, I got struck one day when I was six. It was a family quirk I think, so my dad knew what too do."
She explained.

"That's a very strong quirk."
His mother said and Aiko smiled.
"It's no wonder you're attending UA. You have a good shot at being a great hero, unlike my son Monoma."
She gave her son a pointed look.

Monoma just rolled his eyes a kept eating.

Aiko vaguely knew his quirk from what Mina has said about class 1-B
"W-we'll I think your quirk doesn't matter all that much when becoming a hero. It just helps you along the way."

"Hm, what a lovely, ignorant thought... So what do your parents do?"
Mrs Monoma said, moving on from the subject. But Aiko didn't miss Netio's grateful look.

'Great now we're talking about my parents. Awesome.'
Aiko loved her mother and was proud of all the work she did for her family. But saying her mom worked multiple jobs barely making minimum wage to an obviously rich family was a little embarrassing.

"Well my mom works at a clothing company."
Aiko said cautiously.
(It was more specifically a factory for a clothing company where she manned several machines and stayed inside practically all day.)

"And your father?"
His mother prompted.

'Oh great, why does everyone assume I have a healthy family dynamic?!'

"Well I don't really know."
Aiko chuckled.
"My parents are separated..."

"I didn't know your parents were divorced?"
Monoma said, cocking his head to the side.

"Well they're not exactly divorced, they were never actually married."
She said quietly.

"So you're a bastard then?"
Sora asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sora Monoma! What did I say about your language?!"
Their father asked, raising his voice for the first time.

"Oh come on! That's what the word means!"
Sora yelled back.

"Welp I'm done! Let's go back downstairs!"
Monoma said quickly, grabbing Aiko's arm.

"A-alright! Thank you for the meal!"
Aiko said quickly before her and Neito disappeared down stairs.


"Gee sorry about them, I had no clue they'd act like that."
Monoma mumbled, running a hand through his hair. They had just sat back down on the beanbags in the corner of his room.

"No it's fine, I know having unmarried parents isn't super common in Japan..."
Aiko said shyly.

"Are you not from Japan?"
He asked and Aiko shook her head.

"No, I was born in Hawaii. That's where my parents met and where my dad lived. That's why I look like this."
She mumbled to herself.

"What do you mean by that?"
Monoma asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You know, Tan skin? Chub?"
She said with a shrug.
"Not really built for Japan beauty standards."

"That doesn't matter, most of those standards are impossible anyways. Plus I think you're cute."
He told her and she blushed, turning her head to hide her blush.

"Thanks, I uh... I think you're cute too."
She mumbled.
"I'm really sorry for what Denki said to you earlier. I don't know what got into him."

"That's fine, hey do you always call him that?"
He asked and she tilted her head.


"By his first name, do you always call him by his first name?"
He asked again.

"Well I don't know, I guess that's just what the group calls him. He doesn't really care about formalities and stuff. Why?"
She asked.

"Nothing it's just that You call me by my family name."
He frowned a looked away.

'Is he... Jealous?'

"Do you want want me to call you Neito?"
She asked and he glanced back.

"If you call him Kaminari."
He said stubbornly.

"Alright, I'm mad at him anyways."
She said with a small smile.

"Yeah you should be, he's an ass."
Monoma said.

"He's not that bad..."

"Well he yelled at me, and dumped you day before a date and he just seems really dense."
Monoma said.
Everything that he was saying was true, but Aiko couldn't help but flinch back. He was her friend and this was wrong right? To talk like that about him?


"Why do you keep defending him? You know I still think you like the guy."
He said coldly.

"N-no I don't! I like you-"
She blushed a bright red.
"Oh god I probably shouldn't have said that! S-sorry please just ignore me-"

Neito leaned forward and grabbed the back of her head, pulling her into a kiss. Her first kiss.
It was longer than she thought it should've been, and she just felt awkward. Not knowing where to put her hands or how to move her head without bumping her nose against his.
But things started to smooth over when Neito deepened the kiss and somewhat lead her through the motions.
Her hands were against his chest gripping his shirt. One of his hands held her neck and gently played with her hair while the other held her waist, a few of his fingers slipping under her light pink t-shirt.

She ended up pulling back nervously.
"I-I don't t-think I'm very good at that..."
She mumbled, face bright red in embarrassment.

"Nah you were great."
He said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"I like you too by the way. You're different then the other girls I've talked too, I like it."

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