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Trigger warning: panic attack

(If I miss represent panic attacks in anyway that is offensive in the following please let me know so I can fix it.)


Shinsou was totally out of his element here. So he kept reminding himself that he wanted to be a hero, and this is the type of shit heroes have to do.

Just as Aiko said, there was a guy unconscious on the floor in her dining room area. Shinsou bent down over him, clearing away bits of broken chair. He felt his pulse which was still beating.
The guy was alive but totally out cold.

Shinsou frowned and begin searching him for weapons. He found, tucked away in his waist band. A fully loaded gun.

'Holy shit.'

Shinsou thought, pulling it out. He glanced outside where Aiko still was, on the phone with someone. Did she know that this guy was armed?

If he had used it, things would've probably gone way differently.

Shinsou held the gun carefully, like he was scared it would go off with just a touch. He set it on the counter and quickly went through the kitchen drawers. He searched for anything he could use to restrain the unconscious man and ended up choosing ducktape.
The roll let out a screeching sound as he pulled apart the sticky tape, wrapping it around the man's wrists in ten different ways just to be safe. Then he repeated the process with his legs to make sure he wasn't going anywhere.

He stepped back, content with his workmanship. He eyed the gun for a second and went over to it. It took a few moments but he eventually figured out how to unload it and remove all ammunition. Making the firearm useless. He then stuffed the gun and ammo in his pockets and walked outside, setting it on the porch outside the door.
He didn't want to guy to be able to get to it if he woke up, but he also didn't want the cops to find him carrying it around and suspect him of breaking the law and stuff.

Maybe he was being a little paranoid but hey, better safe than sorry.

He walked back over to Aiko, who was sitting on the ground with her legs pulled up against her chest. Her head was leaning against it and she wasn't really moving.
He frown and knelt by her.

He asked, putting a hand on her back.
"He's out. Wait... Are you alright?"
He asked but he got no response.

Aiko barely moved, she had her hands over her head. Her fingers gripped her hair tightly, Shinsou could hear her unsteady breathing even though her face was hidden. Her hands looked like they were shaking just a little bit.

He looked around desperately because let's be honest, he didn't know what to do. He barely could process his own emotions. How was he supposed to handle someone else's panic attack? He sat down beside her and rubbed circles in her back gently.
"Hey... It's okay..."
He said pathetically.

"It's alright."
He tried again, but still didn't get a response.
"Sorry I-I'm bad at this."
He said rubbing his own eyes. He felt super useless right now, Aiko wasn't responding to anything he was saying.

He put a hand over her own, hoping to stop her from pulling her own hair.
"It's gonna be alright, the uh... The cops are coming?"
He said, he was definitely not being super helpful to Aiko but He had no clue what to do.

His heart jumped out of his chest when a car pulled up, he turned around immediately. Not sure who this was. The car stopped and almost immediately two men got out of it.
"Oh thank fuck."
Shinsou muttered as the two professionals jogged over to them.

Shinsou said, his hand still on her back.

"Is she okay?"
Mic asked, kneeling beside them.

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