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"Hello ladies~"
Kaminari flirted pointing finger guns at two girls he passed in the hallway after leaving the cafeteria.

They giggled and whispered to each other but kept walking, turning into a different hallway.
He smiled, satisfied with their reaction but stopped walking when he heard a voice.

"I didn't know they let fat kids in here."

He heard one of the girls whisper.

'bitch I know you ain't talking bout me-'
He thought peeking into the hallway they went into and saw a girls back.

He recognized the figure and long brown of Aiko Zhu from his own class.
She was watching the two girls continue down the hall, walking as if what they said wasn't a stupid jerky turd faced lie.
He started to regret flirting with those jerks.

Denki glared in their direction and then glanced at Aiko.
She rubbed her eyes and sniffled a little bit.
The sight made him want to hug her, which he was actually able to do after she turned around.

She bumped into his chest and let out a sad "ow" before stuttering through an apology that wasn't nessisary.
He gently wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

You ever see someone and think "they look like they give great hugs?" Well that's what Denki thought about Aiko.
And she does.

Give great hugs I mean.

Well technically Denki the one hugging and she's the one being hugged but still, she was good at it.

"Wait- who?-"
She whispered quitlely in cute confusion.
At that moment Denki started to realized how weird this is.
I mean they've never actually interacted before dispite being in the same class.

But that doesn't mean he didn't notice her.
she literally summoned lighting!

No one forgets a badass girl Thor!

Plus one lightning bolt can hold up to one billion volts of electricity
Kaminari's current limit is 1,300,000 volts and even after that he's brain-dead.

So she's pretty much cooler than him.
Which is why he was disappointed that he hasn't seen her use her quirk after that.

She whispered.

He finally looked down to she her looking up at him with big tearful brown eyes.
Her lips had a slight pout and confusion passed over her dark eyes.

He muttered awkwardly.

Her hands gently gripped his shirt as she continued to look at me.
Which was a small thing that she probably did unintentionally but it still put a few dirty thoughts in his head.

He muttered pulling away slightly but kept he kept his hand on her shoulders.
"That was kinda weird but- you shouldn't listen to people like that."

Her face turned red and she looked away.
"Oh... You heard that..."
She whispered, embarrassed.

"Yeah, but their wrong. you're beautiful."
His genuine complament made her even more embarrassed, she seemed slightly panicked trying to find a way to hid her blushing face.
Which Denki thought was really cute.

"I- you- you don't have to-"

"I know,"
He shrugged.
"But it's true, you're pretty and you smell really good! Which now, after saying I realize is a really weird and creepy thing to say but still..."
He said catching his weird comment and trying to make it Less weird.

She laughed a little.

'She has a nice laugh...'
It kinda made him want to act like a complete idiot as much as possible around her so she would do it more often.
Which he might actually start doing.

She whispered smiling slightly avoiding his eyes.

She jumped closer to him in surprise after the sudden ring of the school bell.
Which was also really cute.

Kaminari laughed slightly and she blushing even more, pulling back and covering her face with her hands.
He felt a slight unpleasant cold after she moved away but didn't mention it.

"No problem let's head to class!"
He said and didn't even think before grabbing her hand and pulling her down the hallway to our classroom.

A/n: sorry this is short lol💖

Also I feel lonely as hell writing this

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