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Aiko got a little more sleep last night, considering the fact that the car didn't come back. But she did spend about an hour looking through that notebook.
It was super creepy, it wasn't as perverted as she thought it would be. So she guessed that was good, but it still had all of her movements after and before school.

Visited the Monoma residence again at six pm.

She scrunched up her nose at the book, it really was weird. Before going to school she shoved it into her bag, she didn't really want to leave it home for some reason. So she brought it with her. Maybe she'd work up the courage to talk to her teachers about it.
The only reason she hadn't before now was because she had no proof that she wasn't just being paranoid.

And because she didn't want to think she was weak for needing help. They would probably drop her hero class grade or something if she did. Well that was probably an exaggeration but still.

She walked into class, more on time today and sat down. Laying her head on her desk.
"Hey Aiko, are you okay? You seem like you've been really tired these pass few days."
Aiko looked up at Kaminari.

She mumbled.

"Not that you look rough or anything! Just that you've been dozing off and stuff. I'm- we're just a little worried for you that's all."
He chuckled.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine... There's just..."
She thought it through for a moment, not sure if she should tell him.
"I think I was being stalked."
She whispered to him.

He asked leaning forward, obviously she didn't want the whole class to over hear.

"I thought I was just being paranoid at first, but there's been this car that is everywhere I am. Like parked by my house and shit. So it's been bugging me and I can't sleep, but yesterday there was this man following me around and-"

"Alright time for class."
Aiko looked over at Aizawa who was glaring at her as usual. Denki look at him and glanced back at Aiko in concern.

"You should tell the teachers."
He whispered to her before walking back to his own desk. She looked at him and mouthed
'i will' to put his mind at ease.

The day passed quickly, she ended up eating lunch outside with Monoma instead of inside with her friends as she'd been doing for the past few weeks. She'd noticed that Monoma got a little jealous when she hung out with guys, and even sometimes when she hung out with Mina. Aiko didn't really mind though, it was kinda flattering because no one had ever really cared about her like this before.

At the end of the day she packed up her stuff, she'd stayed behind a little. Mustering up the nerve to talk to Aizawa. But he beat her to it.
"Zhu. Come with me please."

She looked over at her teacher, who was standing by the door.

She walked over and he put out his hand, palm up.
"Give me your bag."
He said, no he demanded. Aiko frowned but complied, taking her bag off her shoulder and handing it over to him.
This was definitely weird.

She followed him down the halls to a room she'd never been too before, and to her surprise when she opened the door.
The room was full.

All of her teachers were sitting at a long table, with Nezu at the head And they were all looking at her. Aiko took in shallow breaths, her heart beating wildly her her chest.

"Hello Aiko Zhu! Please have a seat!"
Nezu said, gesturing at the seat all the way across from him At the other end of the table.

"I-I don't understand... I-I'm I in s-some sort of trouble?"
She asked, voice and hands shaking.
Actually all of her was shaking. She was basically vibrating in the seat across from Nezu.

'Oh god they decided to expell me after all, of course they did. I punched someone! And left campus- or Maybe they know I hit someone in the head with a brick! Or maybe they know that I drank while underage and they're gonna expell me... I hope I can get into Nishi and Hotoki's school. That is If my reputation isn't shredded by being expelled from UA...'

"Of course you aren't!"
Nezu cheered.

Aizawa mumbled and Aiko glanced in his direction. Yeah he definitely didn't like her.
Aiko began to panic a little at this. Thinking about anything she could have done wrong.

"Listen young Zhu, after the USJ attack we've been a little... Cautious."
All might said lowly, not at all in his usual loud tone he was without his usual smile.

"We have a theory that the attack could have been partly an inside job, that a student is behind it and has been working with the league."
Nezu said, Aiko shook her head.

"I-I'm sorry I don't understand..."
She said with a frown.

"We think there's a traitor."

"No, I don't understand why you're telling me-"
She stopped talking as it snapped into place.
Why she was here alone with several pro hero teachers. Why Aizawa took her bag.
"Oh shit... You guys think it's me..."
She whispered looking around.

"Calm down Zhu, it's only a theory. But you are a suspect."
Mic said gently beside her. He clearly didn't believe it. Midnight seemed just as on edge as him. But Aizawa seemed completely sold.

"So we're here to ask you a few questions."
She heard a voice behind her and she turned in her chair to see a tall man with brown hair.

And a busted bruise the shape of a brick across his face.

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