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The conversation was cut short by Aizawa walking in.
"Shut up and sit down-"

Aiko rushed in seconds after panting.

Aizawa stated blandly.

"I know! I know I'm sorry!"
Aiko said bowing to him.
"B-but I still beat the bell."
She said standing back up again nervously refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

As if on cue the bell rang through the halls.
"Take your seat."
Aizawa groaned and Aiko nodded walking pass everyone to her seat in the back.

The Bakusquad was anything but subtle.
Half of them rotated in their seats to look at Aiko as she sat down giving her a completely wrong idea.
She looked up and the immediately back down, looking away before she could see Kaminari attempt a comforting smile.

She stared at her desk as her mind panicked.
'They hate me. Oh god they hate me.
I know earlier I thought I'd be fine with Nishi and Hotoki but I think I was wrong! Oh god im gonna cry...'

Tears pricked in her big brown eyes and self lothing thoughts echoed in her mind.
'I mean why would they ever like me in the first place? I'm not pretty. I'm not all that funny and I'm not even that smart. I'm not passionate like Bakugou or Jirou and I'm not funny and silly like Sero and Denki.
I'm definitely not as nice or reassuring like Mina and Kirishima.

I'm just one big blob.'

Aiko wiped her eyes and used her bangs to cover her tears.
The weather outside slowly shifted to a windy drizzle and Aiko had to reel in her thoughts.
'No! No uh... Nishi likes me! Or at least tolerates me... Mom definitely loves me! Probably because I'm her kid b-but still!

Okay that's still negative... Uh think of puppies! Yeah puppies are cute. Puppies and cats and strawberry milk and-'

"Zhu! I'm all for zoning out in class but it's only cool if you know the material."
Present Mic said interrupting her thoughts a few classes later.
Aiko was concentrating on the weather and not crying making her forget all about English.

"S-sorry sir!"
She said sitting upright.

"Alright, read the board."
He said moving aside so she could see the printed English paragraph.
A few students flinched at the sight of the advanced English words and pitied the blushing girl as she stood up.

Aiko thanked god that this was happening in English and not a subjects she struggled with like math or something.
But being infront of all of these students readings aloud was nerve wracking.

(English is in italics)

"Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself."

Aiko took in a breath and sat down immediately after finally finishing Juliets monologue.
Mic staring at her. They all did.
Then he glanced back at the board and read it over.

"T-that... That was great actually! Perfect! Did you have that memorized?"
He asked Aiko who shook her head.

"Oh, no! Uh... Well japanese isn't actually my first language. I-i learned English and a little Hawaiian first and I've still been practicing it after moving here from Hawaii, though I did forget most of my Hawaiian.
Aiko explained, she stopped practicing Hawaiian as a way to sort of spite her father. Trying to reject his culture.

Denki looked at Mina who nerrowed her eyes and looked back at Aiko.
So obviously Tris's lie about Aiko picking on her about speaking English was complete bullshit.

But Aiko saw this silent interaction and completely took it in the opposite direction.
'Oh god do they think I'm showing off?!'

"Then what are you doing in my class?!"
Mic asked baffled.


"This is beginner's English! And you're obviously not a beginner! See me after class so we can talk more about this okay?"
He said turning back to his lesson.

'Oh great...'

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