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Aiko walked through the halls after class. She ended up sneaking into some old classroom by the general study classes to hang out with Monoma after school. They were still keeping their relationship on the down low. Which Aiko was okay with.
He ended up having to leave for his job and Aiko followed a little after him. Taking her time walking back down.

She saw a familiar boy with lavender purple hair.
'so he did get in.'
Aiko thought, she smiled at him and waved but he barely acknowledged her. Aiko frowned and kept walking, ignoring the sound of the door to the stairs shut behind Shinsou.
'Alright then.'

She sighed and ignored this weird feeling in her gut. Like a weird dread.
A familiar dread.

She kept walking past the open classroom door that he'd left, Class 1-C.
Aiko could hear voices and couldn't help but overhear the conversation going on.
"Geez can you believe that fuck?"

"I know right? Out of all of the people in general studies he thinks he's gonna get into the hero course?! What a joke."
A female voice laughed.
"He's a twig, I could crush him in my sleep."

"Yeah not to mention that quirk! How'd he even get into UA?"

Aiko blinked and backed up.
'Can you believe that bitch?!'

'i know right?! Being a hero without a quirk? What a joke!'

'not to mention her weight! God she's so big!'

'and she's quirkless, god I'd just kill myself if I was her.'

She shook her head.
She'd overhead that conversation just two days before Toras actual death. She turned to the door, her dread spreading to her throat.

And she ran, sprinting to the door that lead to the stairs. She entered just in time to hear another door close.
Above her.
'fuck, fuck, fuck!'
She ran up the steps, taking them two at a time. Until she just flew, air picked up around her feet and lifted her up.
It wasn't even conscious, it was just happening.
She didn't stop until she reached the top and she Burst through the door.

She yelled and the she saw him.
Well she saw the top of his head, she saw his purple hair disappear as he fell.
She shrieked. She ran without thinking. Moved without logic.
She jumped after him, falling through the air with her arm extended towards him. He was falling face up, his back to the ground and she was the opposite. She looked down at him hoping he would look up.

He did, his eyes opened wide and his mouth let out a silent scream. She couldn't hear hlthe noise because of the wind whizzing past her ears. He stared up at her in fear and she could see the regret in his eyes.
She reached out her hands, he was only a few feet from her. He seemed to understand, he reached forward and his fingers touched hers. She gripped his hands and pulled herself to him, wrapping her arms around his chest tightly. She hid her face against him and activated her quirk. The air around them bent to her will and swirled around them.

She'd never been so in tune with her quirk. With wind and clouds and the air around her. It swirled in a vortex around them and they flew to the side under the trees before being set on the ground.


She didn't let go of him. Clinging to him tightly as they laid on the ground ontop of each other.
"Stupid! Stupid! W-why would you do that?! Don't do that!!"
She yelled frantically, sobbing into his shirt.

"I-I'm sorry..."
He said, staring wide-eyed up at the trees that sheltered them.

"That was horrible!! How could you do that?! Why would you do that to yourself!?"
She sobbed. She didn't know what she was saying, she didn't know if she was saying that to him, or to Tora or to herself. She was just... Saying it.

"Gee I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that, I regretted it the moment I did I just felt..."

"Alone? H-hopeless? It's okay you're not! Don't listen to those people! Please don't!"
She whimpered.

He rubbed her back a little, obviously she was very upset by this.
"I'm sorry."
He whispered.

Then he heard footsteps pounding after them and panicked. Now that he was alive he felt shame and embarrassment. He shouldn't have done that and now the whole school was going to know.
"Shit, they're all going to know... I'll never be a hero now..."
Aiko looked up at him and then a the students and techer that ran up. The two got up immediately.

Denki ran up and grabbed her.
"We saw you guys fall!!! I was so worried!"
He hugged her.

"Did you jump off that building?"
Aizawa's voice grumbled, asking Shinsou.

"I'll never be a hero now..."

"It was my fault! I'm so sorry sir!!"
Aiko bowed.
"We were on the roof when I lost control of my quirk! A-and the wind pushed him backwards! I didn't know what to do so I jumped after him! S-so I could use my quirk to break the fall!"
She said, adrenaline pumping through her veins.

She looked back at Shinsou, his mouth parted in shock that she would lie for him.
"I'm sorry!"
She squeaked.

"Oh, alright then. You two need to go to recovery girl now. Make sure everything is alright."
Aizawa said.
"The rest of you go home. There's nothing to see here."
He instructed the small group of students that were still on campus after hours.

Aiko nodded and so did Shinsou. He bent over and whispered to Aiko.
"Thanks, for everything."

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