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Aiko wasn't crazy.
Or at least she really hoped she wasn't crazy. But her seeing this same small black car was getting creepy. She'd already memorized the license plate. Because she thought at first that she was just seeing the same model and freaking out about it.

But she wasn't. Because it was the same car.
It was the same plate and the same dark tinted windows, which she didn't even think we're legal to be so tinted. She couldn't see into them at all really. It was creepy.

And it was everywhere.

She'd seen it parked at a cafe by Tadashi industries. She'd seen it by the mall on her way to the bus stop from school. She'd seen it by that tea shop at the bottom of the UA hill.
There was no way this was a coincidence.

She was definitely being stalked.

She never saw the driver, she never say anyone come in or out of the car. Her anxiety levels were spiking and she never felt safe. When walking she would take weird rural paths to avoid roads and being seen. She started taking different ways home to throw them off.

She told Monoma about it and he didn't seem to take it seriously. Just joked about her being paranoid.

The creepiest part was when it was by her house. She started locking every door and window. Locking the door to her room before going to bed and resurrecting the tradition of waiting up for her mom to get home, so she was sure she was safe from whoever it was.

Meaning she'd been losing a lot of sleep.
She came into class a little later just to sleep in an extra five minutes and she tried to sneak naps in homeroom. But Aizawa didn't let her.
Which was ironic because he napped at every opportunity.
She was now sure he didn't like her, and it had gotten way worse in the past week or so because of her sloppy sleep deprived behavior.

She was running on energy drinks and power naps at this point. Barely sleeping in her own bed because she was Fucking scared of someone breaking in.

But this was the first time she'd noticed an actual person following her. She had a little time on Saturday before rehearsals so she went into Town. She rushed past the black car in the driveway three houses from her own and walked to the bus stop.

I know what you're thinking.

What are you crazy? Walking past a possible stalker/murderer? She's definitely going to be kidnapped.
And you'd be right about the crazy part. But she didn't have a car and Monoma was busy with his own part time job.
(Yes he has a job, his dad encourages the whole: learn to be normal and independent. Thing so he works at some random coffee shop like a day every week.)

So it's not like she can make him take her everywhere. So she had to jog past the weird car. After she got into town things started getting creepy.

She saw the same guy everywhere. He was an adult, wearing a trench coat and hat. With sunglasses.
Definitely not suspicious at all.

She couldn't see his face well but could see that he had brown hair and smoothish skin, so he wasn't super old. Probably late twenties to Early thirties.
She went into a store and could see him through the window standing across the street, looking at a news paper. He would occasionally talk on his phone, or pretend to talk on his phone. Aiko wasn't sure.

But once she left he would start walking with her across the street and do the same thing Everytime she stopped.
Aiko felt like she was going to throw up.

She finally decided to run, dodging through the crowd until she got to a less busy part of town.
But then she realized her mistake, there were less people to see him and to protect her. He wouldn't attack her if there was a crowd around, and yet she had stupidly ran out of the area.

She shook her head and turned, about to head back when her blood went cold. He was there, casually walking on the sidewalk several yards behind her. Talking on his phone.
She turned around again and started walking, already out of breath from running.
She crossed the street and kept walking, she watched him. If he crossed the street too then he was following her, if he wasn't it was all in her head.

She felt sick when he stepped off the sidewalk to cross the road at the same place she had.
She ran again and ducked into an alley. Bending down she grabbed a brick from the ground to defend herself and waiting. She was crying at this point, listening to the footsteps as they got louder.

The moment he turned into the alley she swung her brich and hit him in the head with it, he stumbled and fell to the ground. Completely unconscious. Aiko breathed heavily and looked at him, then at the slightly bloody brink in her hand.
She gasped and threw it away like it burned her and she bent over the man. He was pretty plain looking, she thought she recognized him but assumed it was because he'd been following her around.

She made sure he was still breathing. She didn't want to kill him. Sure he might deserve it, but she didn't want to be a murderer.
She noticed something peeking out of his pocket ad she shrugged. Pulling out what looked like a small spiral bound notebook.

She read it over and felt horrified.
It was everything she'd been doing. All of it for weeks.

Six o clock: went to school

Two o clock: left school in limo, plate number xxxxxx. Limo pulled into Tadashi industries,
She didn't leave until six

Went home on foot, took the seven thirty bus to district xxx and left road to walk through xxx park. Ended up at her house at seven due to her odd route home.

She takes a different way every day.

Her eyes widened while reading it and she covered her mouth. That was exactly what she did yesterday. All of the pages were filled like this. He'd been watching her for weeks it seemed.

She ran, taking the book with her. She left his body, hoping he wouldn't wake back up.

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