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The bell rang and dismissed the students to lunch. Mina jumped up along with the rest of the squad to approach Aiko but they were stopped by their teacher.

"Alright kiddo's head to lunch! You guys can see Aiko later."
He said shooing them away.
Aiko silently thanked the universe that that interaction would be delayed and simultaneously cursed it for putting her in this position. She hated talking with teachers one on one, it scared the hell out of her.

"Sooo I'mma need you to take a few tests to find out exactly where you are English wise and then move you to a different class so you won't be bored! But I'll have to discuss it with Nezu and your parents-"
Mic started explaining.

"W-well I don't mi-ind being bored...."
Aiko stuttered. She didn't like this idea at all.
Studying with a different class? And having to call her mom away from work for something as small as this? Or worse making her mom use her rare breaks on her school matters?

"Well Zhu the purpose of school is to learn. And you aren't learning in here."
Mic explained sitting in his desk.

She protested before drawing back.

"Is there any other reason that you don't want to go to a different English class?"
He asked though he knew the answer. Aiko was a nervous kid anyone could see that and it made sense for her to not want to switch classes to learn with strangers.

But he knew she could adjust, it would just take her getting used to it.

She lied looking down.

"Zhu it will be fine okay? Meeting new people might be intimidating but its a part of life."
He said. Aiko was much like another UA student. Though the thirdyear Mic compared her to in his mind was worse off then she was.
At least she talked.
Tamaki probably didn't say a word his entire first year.

She said.
"B-but do we have to bother my mom about it? S-she works hard a-and I don't want her t-to wast-te her free time on this..."
She admitted still looking down.

"If you don't want to, we could contact your father instead?"
He suggested innocently.

'Good luck.'

Sure in Aiko's records it says she only had one parental figure. But Mic didn't have time to look through every student's files.

"W-well I-I uh... I don't actually... My father..."
She stammered and Mic caught on.

"Well I'll send your mother an email about the change but we won't have to bring her here if you don't think we should, and I must apologize for my last question I shouldn't make assumptions about your family life."
Mic said the last part quickly standing up and bowing.
"The change in your schedule will start next week."

Aiko nodded frantically glad that the interaction ended.
She then bowed to her teacher and bolted out the door ready to go hide outside from her lunch period. She had eaten a huge breakfast this morning at Nishi's and didn't feel the slightest bit hungry.

But unfortunately fate had other plans as she was ambushed by her friend group only two halls away from the classroom.

Mina called running after her. With the rest of the group trailing behind her.
Aiko stopped with her back towards them and began once again to cry.
Of course the others couldn't see this because of how she was facing and assumed she was mad at them.

"We need to talk about yesterday."
Mina stated firmly, prepared to talk about how much of a bitch Tris was.

Aiko stuttered before turning around.
Everyone thought she was mad at Mina and Aiko thought everyone was mad at her.
Tears bloomed In Aiko's beautiful big brown eyes as she sniffled and wiped her nose.

Jirou gasped and everyone else backed up in surprise.

"I'm sorry!"
Aiko sobbed.

"Wait no!"
Mina jumped forward.

"Some friend you are! You made raincloud fucking cry!!"
Bakugou yelled as Aiko frantically rubbed her eyes.

"I-I understand i-i-if you don't-t wanna be my friend anymore..."
Aiko sniffled assuming they wouldn't pick her.

"No! No! Oh my goodness Please don't cry!"
Mina begged hugging Aiko.
Aiko's bottom lip trimbled as she sniffled.

"I'm sorry about Tris! If I had known she would act like that I wouldn't have ever hung out with her!"
Mina pleaded and Aiko hugged her back. Mina was a good bit taller than Aiko, meaning when hugging Mina's.... Mina's boobs were even with Aiko's neck making this hug suffocating.

"M-mina your b-boobs a-are choking me."
Aiko croaked out and Mina backed up laughing.

"I'm sorry!"
She apologized

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