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"Omgoodness I'm literally soooo excited!!!"
Mina squealed, shaking Aiko back and forth dramatically.
Honestly Mina could be talking about literally anything. From the A.Z concert to the cafeteria selling ice cream again today.

But it was actually about something quite different. UA was hosting the first freshman dance of the year and Mina had already been asked by three different people whereas no one even looked in Aiko's direction at the announcement this morning.

"I'm gonna ask Ibara from 1-B!"
Denki announced.

"Dude she's way out of your league!"
Sero punched Denki's arm.

"Yeah but she's totally hot! And so am I!"
Denki said shoving him away.

"Who said that!?"
Jirou asked, Crossing her arms.

"I did!"
Denki stuck out his tounge at her.
Jirou rolled her eyes and simply gave up on him.

"So, who do you want to go with?"
Mina asked Aiko who shook her head.
"I don't really know anyone, outside of you guys of course."
She said nervously.
"I'll probably just go alone, or Maybe not at all, that kinda stuff really isn't my thing you know?"

Mina gasped.
"You are so going! I'll drag you there if I have too!"

"You know that one redhead girl, just ask her."
Kirishima suggested.

"No I couldn't! I don't even know if she... You know, likes girls."
Aiko shrugged and took a bite of her salad.
"Besides, asking that kinda stuff makes me nervous."

"Everything makes you nervous."
Jirou pointed out and Aiko frowned.

"Yeah I guess that's kinda true."
She mumbled.
No she couldn't ask Kendo, she couldn't ask anyone it made her too nervous and the answer would probably be no anyways.

"Well I'm gonna probably gonna go with this girl Coco, she's in one of the support courses and we've been texting since we met in the girls bathroom during third period last week.
She's totally cute."
Mina said and the conversation steered away from Aiko.


"Damn that hurts."
Denki said, slumping backwards in his chair.

"Nah man that was hilarious!"
Sero laughed.

Denki had asked Ibara of class 1-B yesterday and she told him she'd "mediate over it"
And then she walked up to him this morning telling him it was a no.
"Now I'm gonna be that loser without a date!"
Denki whined and Jirou laughed at his misfortune.

"I bet you couldn't pay someone to go with you!"
Jirou snickered.

Aiko looked at him with pity.
"Well uh..."

Denki glanced up at her from his spot slumped against his chair.

"We could go together, you know as friends? I don't have a date either, and I don't think anyone will ask me so... I don't know it could be... fun?"
Aiko suggested unsurely. He stared for a moment.
"But not if you don't want too! I'm sure plenty of girls-"
Aiko began to backtrack quickly, thinking she'd made a mistake.

"No I'll go."
Denki said with a nod.
"Yeah that sounds fun."

"Really?! Ok cool!"
Aiko smiled and Jirou patted her shoulder.

"You're luck you have someone as charitable as Aiko around, otherwise you'd be totally screwed bro."
Jirou said with a mocking smile.

"Hey! Take that back!"

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