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"Yeah I'm paying for your therapy."
Nishi said completely not joking.

"That's not necessary-"
Aiko waved her off still lost in thought.

"Yes, yes it is."
Her friend stated now determined to actually force her friend into seeing a therapist.

"Can we drop by my house? I want to change."
Aiko asked.

"Yeah- Or! We could go shopping and I could buy you a new outfit!"
She gasped.
"Yeah we're doing that!-"

"-Wait no you don't have to-"
Aiko stuttered.

"I know I don't have to! I want to! I have a big allowance and I wanna spend it on something!"
She clapped.
"Craig!! We're going to the mall!!"
She yelled up at her driver.
The large man with black glasses simply nodded and took a turn.

"It's not like I'm your sugar baby or something..."
Aiko mumbled.

Nishi gasped.
"You're my sugar baby!!!"
She screamed.

"No I just-"

"Shut up I'm changing your name in my contacts! This is official!"
She squealed pulling out her phone.

Aiko laughed and takled her giggling freind.
"No stop! You're to late! It has been done!"
Nishi said dramatically.

"Girls... We are here."
Craig said when the vehicle stopped.


"Those are so cute!!!"
Nishi said holding up a pair of platform shoes.
The high topped Converse were bright pink with platforms that would make Aiko appear taller.

"They would look cute with that one skirt you got..."
Aiko observed leaning forward.

"I know! I'm buying the so you can take off those ugly uniform shoes!"
She said with a smile while walking to the checkout center.
Craig was waiting by the door of the store.
Turns out he isn't just a driver.
Craig is actually Nishi's body guard.

He walked around ten feet behind them and stood by the door of each store they entered.
Close enough that he could attack anyone who was a threat but far enough away that he wasn't in their way or anything.

After purchasing an entire new outfit for her friend Nishi forced Aiko into a bathroom to change.
Her final outfit was a white circle skirt with a cropped black tanktop and the pink converses.
She also had a pink jacket that matched the shade of the shoes and a black headband to top it off.

Nishi forgot to buy socks so she also continued to wear her stockings with the fit.
"You're so cute! Omg we must. Take. Pictures! Let's go get food first though! Come along Craig!"
She yelled dramatically as she practically pranced to the food court Aiko and Craig following behind.

Aiko giggled at how dramatic Nishi was being while Craig nodded, scanned the area with his quirk and followed.
His quirk allowed him to see anyone's name and quirk at first glance and he can see even deeper statistics when he makes eye contact.


Nishi and Aiko walked around enjoying their time at the Mall until Nishi noticed a certain boy with blonde hair decorated with a black streak.
"Hey isn't that the boy from your class? The one that comforted you after those bitches were mean?"
She asked nodded at the group of teenagers.

"What?! No! I gotta pee!"
She stuttered running to the bathroom.
Nishi didn't know why the girl was nervous about her classmates but it might be because she had a little crush.
Nishi walked to the group of vibrant teenagers.
A girl with pink hair was on her phone and showing things to a boy with bright red hair.
Her target was being relentlessly picked on by another girl with purplish hair and weird earlobes.
A guy with freaky elbows poked a boy with spiked hair in the face trying to get a reaction.
Which he did when the boy finally snapped and screamed in the pests face.

Nishi smiled at the group of teenagers.
This is exactly what she expected UA teens would be.

Craig stood and unsure which child he should garud, The millionaire's daughter or the famous pop star.
He ended up standing between them an equal distance away from both.

"Why hello strangers!"
Nishi said walking up to the group with absolutely no hesation.

They turned to look at the girl.
She had changed out of her school uniform into a cropped tank top, baggy jeans and a unzipped white hoodie.

She leaned on their table and looked at the blonde.
"You're Kaminari right?"
She asked resting her head on her palm and smiling.

"Oi fuck off-"
Bakugou growled nerrowing his eyes at the intruder.
This simple action made Craig decide guarding Nishi took priority over the girl still in the bathroom.

"Oh you're Aiko's friend!"
Denki greeted with a smile before scanning the crowd for his classmate.

"Aiko Zhu's?"
Jirou asked with sudden interest.

"Yeah, she left me all alone and now I'm bored."
Nishi complained with a pout.

"Not completely alone, some scary dude is staring at you."
The boy known as Sero observed.
Nishi looked back and waved at Craig who gave her a simple nod.
"Nah that's Craig, he's payed to follow me around and scare people."
She said nonchalantly as though it was completely normal to have a fucking bodyguard.

"Wait he's like... Your body gaurd?!"
Mina asked with interest.

"So you have a body guard and a limo..."
Denki clarified now very interested in this girl.

"Yeah Craig drives the limo."
She waved her hand.
"Anyways I'm Nishi Aiko's current bestfriend/ sugar momma and I was just wondering if you knew the names addresses or social security numbers of the two girls who were giving her a problem earlier."
She asked innocently.

He stared confused.
He answered wondering if a social security number was a common thing to know about someone.

"Someone gave Aiko a problem?"
Mina asked looking at both Denki and this new girl.
Nishi sighed and looked at Mina.
"Unfortunately yes and not knowing their names will make it difficult to ruin their family both socially and financially."
She rolled her eyes at the inconvenience.
"I'll have to figure something else out."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you?"
Denki said with a frown.
Was it really that easy for this girl to financially ruin someone? Who the hell is she?
Obviously someone really important.

"So are all of you guys hero course students?"
She asked looking at Jirou with interest.
She nodded while Bakugou responded with a scoff and "of course."

"That's hot."
She muttered still looking at Jirou who soon became a blushing mess.
Aiko walked up followed by Craig.

She said with a small smile.
Seeing people from school in public was always weird, and normally they didn't recognize Aiko.
But this was different.

Denki said smiling a closed eyed smile.
"It's been awhile."
He joked Aiko smiled and turned to Nishi about to say something only to be interrupted by Craigs deep voice.

"Ma'am your father called, he asked that you come home soon."
He said before nodding politely in the direction of the other teenagers reading all of their statistics in a single glace.
He determined the top threats were Bakugou Katsuki and Denki Kaminari.
But an attack was unlikely.

"Alright! Bye strangers! Aiko do you wanna come over or do you want us to drop you off?"
She asked while the two walked away leaving the UA students to their meal.

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