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Aiko darted up the stairs after Tsu and Mineta as they carried Mr Aizawa. The pros were here and everything was going to be okay.
Though the kids might have some slight lasting trauma, but other than that everything was Great!

The grotesque image of Aizawa's body smushed against the pavement with pools of his blood around his head reminded her of something that she'd Definitely have to talk to her therapist about. This image made it difficult to stomach the sight of his blood dripping on the concrete below.
"Y-your guys need help?"
Aiko asked and Tsu turned look at her. And shook her head.

"I would say yes, ribbit. But you look green, like you're gonna hurl. I suggest you go get medical attention."
Tsu observed.

"O-oh... Alright! Are you sure?"
Aiko asked. They nodded.

"Yeah just go turn around over there and bend over! You know, so you can puke and stuff!"
Mineta chimed in and Tsu slapped him.

"How can you say things like that in this situation?!"
She asked, Aiko ignored them and pulled away walking towards the others.
They were trying to get a headcount of the students to make sure no one was dead.

No one was, Midoriya was the worst off and that was because of his quirk.
But after the kids were asked a few questions and packed back up in the bus Aiko realized a slight problem.
Her mother worked in a factory and didn't have access to her phone.

So when the group of kids were told they wouldn't be dismissed without being signed out by a parent, her anxiety spiked.
She didn't say anything to the group of pro hero teachers. They had clumord together and we're speaking in husbed voices.
'I should tell them... Damn it I can't.'
Aiko pressed her lips together, she was feeling some sort of crippling block. Her feet refused to move in the direction of her teachers. Her mouth refused to Open to tell them that her mother wasn't coming.
Aiko had called her five times and left her several texts. She told her what happened and that she was alright.

Unfortunately before she knew it she was literally the only student left in the office. Todoroki had been taken home by his father the pro hero endeavor, she'd noticed a lot of stiffness between the two.
Midoriya was taken home by his mother, who was crying over him. Bakugou was taken with his mother too, leaving and bringing Aiko's secret home with him.

But now it was just her.
She sat on the couch and pressed her hands into her eyes, propping her elbows on her knees and hiding her face.

"Are all of them gone?"
Midnight asked from the group.

"I checked out all but Zhu."
Nezu said from his desk, Aiko cringed at her name.

"Zhu honey when will your parents be here?"
Midnight asked and Aiko shook her head.

"S-sorry I uh... My mom Is at work, s-shes not answering her cell."
Aiko mumbled, her head still in her hand.

"What did you say? I can't hear you?"

"She said her mom's working! And she's not answering her phone."
Mic told them, he was the only one close enough to actually hear her. Aiko nodded.

"Oh! Well Have you tried reaching your father?"
Another pro asked.

Both Mic and Aiko flinched at practically the same moment. He had made this same mistake before.

"How about a family member? Or just an adult that you trust?"
Mic interrupted, giving them a pointed look that got the message across.

"I don't know I-"
Aiko shook her head and then one person popped into her mind, he was busy but it was worth a shot.
"There is one person, hold on."

Aiko grabbed her phone and searched through her contacts, she'd never actually messaged him but had his personal number for emergencies.
'This is an emergency right? God I hope I'm not bothering him.'

The teachers waited patiently as Aiko called her ride, they watched as she tapped her fingers on her phone case and bounced up and down, her eyes darting around the room like a scared deer.
"She looks really uncomfortable."
One pro remarked quietly to the group, they were now out of earshot as the girl began to speak into her phone.

"Well I mean she's alone with several pro heroes, I guess we can be intimidating sometimes."
Another one answered.

"I don't know, maybe I'm just on edge but it almost seems suspicious."

"I think you are on edge. You probably need a beer or something after the heart attack we all had today."

"Yeah I talked to her a few days ago, she just seems to be the nervous type."

"The nervous type that wants to be a pro? She'll have to get over that."

The heroes conversed amongst themselves as Aiko spoke on the phone.
"Yes I'm fine! I just need a ride!"
She said nervously.
"Yeah that would be awesome! Thanks again, bye."
She turned to the adults and smiled nervously.
"I uh... I have a family Friend on the way, sorry for the wait! H-he won't be long I promise."

'At least I hope.'

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