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Mina yelled.

Aiko had just walked into the classroom and didn't have time to process her classmate's yelling.

Denki said smirking in Victory.


Aiko tilted her head curiously but didn't say anything.

"What's the big deal about some internet bitch?"
Bakugou asked angry as usual.

Mina yelled.

Aiko straightened at the mention of her alter ego before gulping.
'I guess Mina is a fan...'
She frowned and kept walking


"Okay guys calm down!"
Kirishima interupted, holding Bakugou back.

"No one's even heard of her anyway..."
Bakugou grumbled holding back his need to fight.

"That's so not true! Aiko! Do you know who A.Z is?!"
Mina turned to the girl mentioned and grabbed her shoulders.

She stuttered.

"Who is she?!"
Mina demanded.

"A YouTuber who started coming out with music?"
Aiko said cautiously scared that she would accidentally say something about herself that would set Mina off again.

"Haha! See people do know her!"
Mina yelled pulling Aiko into a strangling hug.

"Mina! Your killing her!"
Denki yelled laughing.


"You are suffocating rain cloud, idiot."
Bakugou grumbled.

"Oh sorry! Wait rain cloud?"
Mina asked looking down at Aiko in confusion.

Aiko shrugged nervously and Bakugou responded with a small "tch" and glared at everyone.

"Why can't you use people's actual names?"

"Shut it Duracell!"

"See! That's not my name!"

"I said shut it!!"
Bakugou yelled before hitting Denki in the back of the head.

"Anyways A.Z is a beautiful person and I'm totally gay for her so say some shit like that again and you'll regret it I promise."
Mina said with a very intimidating shadow over her face.

'Aw... -wait what?!'

"You can't see her face!!!"
Bakugou screamed in frustration.
"How do you know she's beautiful?!"

"Are we ignoring the fact that Mina just came out to us- "
Kaminari questioned only to be smacked again.
"I said shut up Duracell!"

"That again? Dude why do you care if she doesn't show her face?"
Kirishima groaned.

"Because it's cowardly!! She doesn't have that guts to be herself on camera!-"

Aiko looked down and the rest of his words were muffled.
'Is that true? Is it cowardly to hid my face?'
Yes, in a way it was, and Aiko knew that but she suddenly wanted to do something about it.

She pulled out her phone and started to text Nishi after she got an idea that she might possibly regret later.

Me: I'm doing a face reveal at the concert

Aiko bit her nail.
'If I don't have someone to keep me accountable I'll never do it.
So my fear of disappointing Nishi will help make me go through with it.'

She smiled now determined.
'Even if I've been cowardly before, I'll fix that mistake! And besides it's about time I give a face reveal.'


Before she knew it classes were over and it was lunch time.
Aiko sat outside her classroom and Called Nishi.

Ever since her text Nishi started blowing up her phone until her own class started.

Nishi's words were a jumbled mess the moment she picked up the phone.
"And- wait why are you doing this again?"
She asked suddenly.

"Um it's kinda a long story can we talk about it later? I need to go to lunch..."
Aiko asked only to hear frustrated groaning from her phone.

"Agh! Yes! But call me immediately after school- no! I'll pick you up!"

"You have a car?!"

"No I have a chauffeur~"

"Oh... Some times I forget-"

"That I'm a rich bitch? Yeah no problem I'll pick you up-"
Aiko could hear someone yelling on the other line.
"Ugh shut up Yoarashi! I can curse if I- no go away! I'm trying to talk to someone!"
She yelled back.
"I'll call you back- or pick you up! Byyyye"

Nishi hung up before Aiko could finish her response.
'Who's Yoarashi I wonder?'
She thought after hearing the name.
Aiko shrugged and started walking to lunch.

Eventually she turned a courner and walked past pretty two girls.

One had short fluffy blue hair and sparkling purple eyes Aiko recognized her as a girl that attended the same middle school with.
While the other was a stranger with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

They were both tall, fit and very pretty.

Aiko shrunk down slightly.
Pretty girls always made her nervous, she didn't know if it was because she was jealous of them or attracted to them.
it was probably both.

She saw them look at her as she passed and they smirked at each other.

"I didn't know they let fat kids in here..."
The blonde girl whispered to her friend, purposefully loud enough that Aiko could hear.

The blue haired girl giggled with her friend as they continued leaving Aiko behind.

She stopped suddenly to nervous to enter the Cafeteria or be seen by people period.
When turned around and watched the girls go her arms wrapped around her stomach and tears pricking at her brown eyes.

Aiko turned again to continue walking but ran face first into something, or someone.

"Ow! S-sorry!"
She cried out sniffling.

Normally when Aiko runa into people they pull away but this time whoever it was wrapped their arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

"Wait- who-"
Aiko tried to stutter out while blushing at the sudden contact.
She adjusted slightly so that she could look up despite the hand on the back of her head.

Aiko stuttered out confused after seeing him.
He didn't look down his eyes were glued to the in of the hallway, and for the first time since we've met he looked.

Serious, and kinda angry.


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