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Aiko couldn't help but think about that Tris said in the hallway. About her seeing Monoma was a really "Fucking stupid" idea. But this was totally different.


She was just coming to pick up her stuff. She walked to his house like she used to do when they were together and scanned his driveway.
Based on the lack of cars she assumed Neito was alone. Aiko didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

At least she wouldn't have to worry about running into Sora and having to explain the fact that she was just trying to get her stuff back. She sighed and walked to his door, knocking on it a few times and waiting.
Nothing happened.

'Is he really going to make me go down stairs for this?'
She sighed and pushed to door open. She looked around at the empty house.

She asked, looking around.
"That bastard."
She mumbled, walking to his room knowing that he was down there.

She had been hoping this would be an in and out kinda deal. That he'd meet her at the door, hand her a box or something and she'd be on her merry way.
But no! He had to force her to go into his room again. The last time she saw his room it was in a video of him and Tris Fucking. It didn't bring up a lot of good memories.

She walked down the stairs and heard muffled talking on his TV. So that's why he didn't hear her, he was watching some anime.
Aiko said loud enough to be heard over his surround sound. She now recognized it as one they had started together.

He turned back and paused it.
"I thought you were going to text me or something."
He said, standing up and facing her.

"I did."
Aiko said, wrapping her arms around herself.
"Where's my stuff?"
She asked quietly, scanning the room.

"It's uh... It's over here."
He said picking up a cardboard box that was beside him on his couch. She could see her neatly folded hoodie inside.

She walked over slowly as he put the box out. He seemed nervous, like he wanted something.
Aiko took the box in her hand and for a moment he didn't let go.
"Can we... Hang out?"
He asked cautiously.

Aiko groaned. She tugged on the box and he gave in, letting go. She was glad he wasn't holding it hostage like he did with her phone.

"You don't want me back, I get that. But can't we still be friends?"
He pleaded.
"I like spending time with you."
He said, he was moping like some sort of sad dog. Aiko looked away nervously.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea."
She mumbled. She was no expert, but she was pretty sure nothing good came with being friends with your ex. Especially not so soon after breaking up.

"Come on."
He said stepping forward.
"If you didn't want to still hang out you would've blocked my new number. Right?"
He asked, he was getting closer and Aiko's face heated up.

"H-how do you know I wasn't going too?"
She asked, backing up a few steps.
"I just wanted to make sure I got my stuff."

"Then do it, right now. Block me."
He said, he was close to her now. He was standing over her, looking down at her with his piercing blue eyes.

"I-I can't... My hands are full."
She mumbled, looking away from him with a blush. "I can't reach my phone." She gave a week excuse.

He leaned forward and reached into the pocket of her blazer. Aiko gasped blushing fiercely.
She snapped.
He placed the phone on top on the folded hoodie infront of her.

"There you go."
He whispered. Aiko but her lip as her heart chart wheeled in her chest. Slamming against her ribcage.
"If you do it I'll leave you alone, I'll never talk to you again and we can forget everything. Like we never happened. It's your choice."

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