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Aiko caved and did it. She picked a song with a slower and deeper tempo than what A.Z normally sang to divert suspicion.
Aiko had a pretty good rang and a few years of voice training under her belt so she could definitely do it.

She sat back down and Mina clapped her hands with a victorious smile.
She said and hugged Aiko's shoulders.

Aiko didn't say anything but directed her attention to the small stage where Tris and Noriko had just stepped up on with two cheap microphones.

The music started and the tune Aiko herself composed played with lyrics dancing across a screen, the Tris opened her mouth.

Aiko had heard covers of her songs before and tried her absolute hardest to be as supportive as possible to her viewers.
But Tris was another category all together.
She sang through a few voice cracks and hit high notes in the wrong places.
She tried to vocalize but never quite did it right.

Noriko obviously didn't know anything about harmony and seemed to be in a daze glancing at her phone the up at the words she obviously didn't know.
Aiko was fully convinced Noriko was an NPC who was only given commands to look at her phone and scoff meaning she was currently glitching.

"Oh good lord."
Mina whispered covering her mouth.
Aiko herself was staring straight ahead with a painfully straight face as she tried her best to not laugh very loudly. She tried so hard tears sprung up in her eyes.
"Aiko I know it's bad but please don't cry."
Mina whispered and Aiko snorted hiding her face and her body shook with silent laughter.

Aiko wheezed into her arm as the other girl let out her own snorts.
"I- I think A.Z would be disappointed in her number one fan..."
Aiko whispered and more laughter came from a very flustered Mina.

"Oh yeah, oh hell yeah. It's Tris! who wouldn't be!?"
Mina whispered.
The two girls finally collected themselves, until when it came time for Noriko's solo all hell broke loose.

The girls voice was high and nasally as she sang in cursive. You know when they kinda change the notes over and over to look more talented?

Mina fell backwards holding her stomach and Aiko punched the table.
"This is mean *wheeze* this is mean I can't- help it."
Aiko said between wheezes.

"I shouldn't have convinced her..."
Mina whispered.

🎶If I'm pretty, will you like me?
They say, "Beauty makes boys happy"
I've been starving myself
Carving skin until my bones are showing🎶

Aiko's mood sobered slightly and Mina was to busy laughing to see it.
Tris sang over that verse like It didn't Matter, like it wasn't about a kid ranting about how she felt like her self worth was based off what other people thought of her. Like the singer hadn't just spoke about the tender subject of self harm.
Aiko put a hand on her beaded bracelets that covered the scars she was singing about and looked down at her food in discust.

She'd been mending her relationship with food.
Trying to eat more food then she normally would because a few months ago she'd been practically starving herself.

She didn't really have anyone to talk to about these issues so she turned to the internet and researched eating disorders and had been managing to eat more and trying not to skip meals as often.
Even though she felt like she was full and couldn't eat another bite she knew it was an illusion, where her mind was trying to convince her she was full when she really hadn't eaten.

The song ended as she forced herself to take a bite as Mina went up next.
Tris and Noriko sat down and Aiko gave them a smile.
"Good job guys! You sounded great."
She lied.

"Thanks, it's like so hard to sing a song I relate to sooo much you know? Kinda emotional."
Tris said and Aiko tried not to roll her eyes.
She took another bite of her rice and Tris raised an eyebrow.

"Are you really going to eat all of that?!"
She said in absolute discust that cut Aiko's appetite in half.


"Because I took like two bites of my food and I feel soooo full so you must be stuffing yourself Acorn."
Tris said holding her flat stomach.
Noriko laughed lightly at "Acorn" which made Aiko believe that Tris was simply doing it on purpose.

"Hey you actually look really familiar do I know you?"
Tris asked moving on from the food.

Aiko answered.
It was true. Tris probably didn't know Aiko at all, but she wouldn't be surprised if Tris know Tora.
I mean who can forget that?

"What was your last name again?"
She pushed with a smirk.

Yeah she definitely knew and was now just messing around.

Tris said pronouncing it longer and in an English accent making it sound like place people keep animals.

"If the Japanese word Zhu is hard for you to pronounce you should probably go back to speech therapy."
Oh great now she's done it.
Aiko was getting cranky meaning she could only handle so much.

Tris scoffed.
"Actually Japanese is my second language so I guess that means I'm a little bit more cultured then you. I was born in America you racist fat fuck."

Aiko was temporarily taken aback at this but she couldn't very well back out now.
"The phrase you're looking for is actually xenophobic. Race doesn't mean shit about coming from America unless my prejudice is based in your being white."
Aiko explained in perfect English.
Unlike Hawaiian, She hadn't stopped learning the language after moving, because her mom felt it was important since she was going to learn in highschool anyways.

Tris hit the table with her fist.
"What the hell does that even mean piggy?"

Though the nicknames were getting annoying if Aiko left now that would count her as the loser and she was to pissed off to back down.

"Appearntly you're shit at both your languages and not nearly as cultured as you think if you can't understand basic definitions-"

"What's going on?"
Mina walked up and like a flip of a switch Tris burst into tears.

"N-n-nothing! Aiko was just-"
Tris stammered and like this entire ordeal had been practiced Noriko butted in.

"Aiko was bullying Tris about her English."
She stated patting Tris's back.


"That's not what happened! She was picking on my first and last name!"
Aiko defended her mouth open in shock.

"I-i-i'm sorry some pronunciations a-are difficult f-for me..."
Tris said wiping her tears.

Mina started but Aiko's phone went off and Nishi's picture appeared.

"I'm leaving."
Aiko said. She pulled out her money slapped it on the table and left putting her phone against her ear.
"I'm at the Mall pick me up."
Aiko said before Nishi could say a word.

"Is everything okay?"
Nishi asked on the other line.

"We can talk later."

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