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A/n: I have too much time on my hands

The history teacher of class 1-B was running late so the class entertained themselves with conversation or their devices

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The history teacher of class 1-B was running late so the class entertained themselves with conversation or their devices.
Aiko with the latter. Monoma was here yes, but they didn't really talk in front of his class to avoid gossip and such. It was Monoma's idea but Aiko had agreed.

She played on her phone while also listening to the conversations around her.
"So what would you do Kendo?"
Kosei asked.

"Huh? Sorry I wasn't listening."
Kendo hummed, turning to her classmate.

"One of guy Yosetsu's friends just came out to him. What would you do if you were close friends with a girl and she said she liked pussy?"
He asked and Kendo shrugged.

"I guess I would accept them... But it might make me uncomfortable. You know depending on the person and all."
Kendo said.
"But I guess I'd distance myself a little, I just wouldn't know exactly how to handle it you know? I guess it would just depend on the person?"

Aiko frowned at her phone screen, Kendo did seem really conflicted. But also slightly homophobic. Aiko kinda understood where she was coming from though, she knew the feeling of knowing someone that you weren't attracted was attracted to you.
She'd gotten many, many dms as A.Z from creeps on the internet.

But distancing yourself from a friend?

Aiko felt pretty upset, she knew Kendo wasn't queer. She'd known for a long time, but she always kinda thought that she would be an ally.

Even with this information Aiko did still want to be friends with her. She had always wanted to be friends with her.


Kendo had always been the 'mother' of whatever class she ended up in. She Practically always was class rep and would never allow the quiet kids to get picked on.

She started xxx middle school the same year Aiko's class did. At this point Tora was already in advanced classes so the two twins didn't see much of each other.
Like every class Kendo ended up taking charge, everyone wanted to be her friend. She was one of those popular girls that was actually really nice.

She stood up for Aiko when the other kids picked on her and they were friends for awhile. Well they were school friends, they didn't ever text or meet outside of school hours, but Kendo made sure to stick by Aiko.

It didn't take long for Aiko to start thinking of Kendo as more than a friend. These feelings were new and a little alarming for Aiko, she'd never felt that way about a girl before.

But she felt that way about Kendo. Her mom was very accepting and had confessed she'd had similar feelings towards women herself.

But Kendo had no idea and Aiko never thought of telling her. So Aiko was crushed Everytime Kendo mentioned boys, anytime Kendo giggled about a crush.

One time at a lake day get together Aiko watched as her and a popular boy got very close. That was the same day Aiko said she didn't want to be friends with Kendo anymore.
Kendo ended up crying by that lake and Aiko felt her heart get crushed for the hundredth time.

It's funny how someone can hurt you so much and never realize it.

Aiko ran to Kendo with tears of her own and apologized to the red head.

"Was it me?"
Kendo asked.
"Was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden?"

Kendo thought that maybe she'd made Aiko feel like being her Friend was hard. That she didn't want to be friends with Kendo because she thought of herself as some sort of burden.

Aiko knew that Kendo was a genuinely kind person, and maybe she would surprise herself if she ever actually found out about one of her friend's sexuality.

Time will tell.

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