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So... Um...
This chapter... Let's just say...

I'm sorry.


Time was rushing forward faster than Aiko ever thought possible. The month was passing and she was checking things off of her to do list like crazy.
She had fallen into a stiff pattern:

·Wake up
·Train before school for the festival
·Go to school
·Train at school
·Get home from school
·Prepare for the concert
·Go to sleep


School wasn't bad but she got a lot of stares from the students at class 1-B. She was almost sure Neito was running his mouth but Aiko was too nervous to ask anyone about it.
So she just let it be. Sure she should probably stand up for herself, she knew he was just trying to get to her. But still, what was she supposed to do?

The days flew by until the sports festival was almost right on top of Aiko. Like a shadow swallowing her up.

Two days.

Two days!! She had one day left after today. Then she'd have the sports festival.
And THEN she had her concert. She really didn't know which one was scarier.

Little did she know that TODAY was the day she should've been scared of.

A sickness had swept through UA, whether real or just made up to take days off of school before the sports festival was the question. 1A's own students: Hagakure, Mineta and Ojiro had all called out sick.
So did several students from 1B such as Tris and Noriko.

Mina had been happy to tell her group all about it during lunch.
"Hagakure is sick? She seemed fine yesterday."
Denki said with a frown.

"I bet she's actually on a date with Ojiro or something! She totally likes him!"
Mina sqealed.

"How do you know?"
Aiko asked, pushing around her food.

"Oh, Jackson told Coco who told me that in a truth or dare game about a month ago she said she liked a quote: 'A Tall blonde guy.' and who is she always all over during classes who is also tall and blonde? Ojiro!"
Mina hummed, clearly proud of herself.

Aiko zoned out while Mina gossiped. She was never really interested in the whole "he said, she said" type of thing. Especially because she was so insecure about people spreading things about her.
"H-hey Mina? I have a question."
Aiko's said, realizing if people were talking about her. Mina of all people would've heard something.

"What do you need gumdrop?"
Mina asked and Aiko blushed.

"I was just wondering... Do you know if anyone has been like... Talking about me?"
Aiko asked, looking down.

"Uh... What do you mean?"
Mina asked, tilting her head.

"Well uh... I just mean... Everytime I go into class 1B everyone looks over at me and kinda whispers and stuff- I don't know! It's probably just my imagination but... I think Neito spread things about me..."
Aiko whispered, playing with her food.
She didn't know why but she had a weird dread in her stomach.

"I haven't heard anything! If I did I'd definitely tell you! Yeah definitely!"
Mina said. Everyone at the table stared at her.

Because that was way too enthusiastic.

"You Fucking lair."
Bakugou scoffed.

"Yeah Mina... What do you know?"
Denki asked, shuffling in his seat. Nervously glancing at Aiko.

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