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Neito asked, raising his eyebrows at Denki and the other teen boys standing behind him.

"Nothing! Our friend here is just trying to-"
Kirishima tried to be the peace maker but failed as Kaminari shoved him away.

"I knew you were the one Aiko was talking too! I saw you two at the dance-"

"The dance you stood her up at?"
Monoma asked, looking back at his book like he was barely interested in this conversation.

"You little-"

"Be that as it may! Turns out Denki had several reasons for doing so! And it was partly our fault as well."
Kirishima interrupted Denki as he was about to verbally (and maybe physically) attack the other student.

"Well he still did it, besides I don't see why me and her talking is any of your business."
Monoma shrugged.
"But if you must know, yes. We've been talking."

"She's my friend! That's why it's my business!"
Denki said.

"Dude you need to chill out!"
Sero told Denki.
"She's all of our friend! But that doesn't give us the right to act like this!"

"I know who you are! I went to middle school with you and know your game! He's just trying to get into her pants guys!"
Denki whisper-yelled.

"So you're basing this all on rumors? I am interested in Aiko and it has nothing to do with that and I'd appreciate it if you didn't interrupt out next study session. This project is due on Monday."
Monoma said calmly, writing something down.

"Of course not! It won't happen again buddy!" Kirishima gave monoma a pat on the shoulder. "I Promise!"
He said dragging Denki back.

"And I thought Bakugou was crazy..."
Monoma mumbled to himself, looking back down at his book.


"Hi! I got your text! Is everything alright?"
Aiko asked walking into the closest girls bathroom.

"You tell me! How's the little study date going?!" Mina asked with a broad smile.

"Date?! It's not a date! H-how'd you even know about that?"
Aiko asked with a blush.

"We totally saw you guys in the library!"
Mina said showing her the picture.

"O-oh... Is that why you texted me?"
Aiko asked nervously.
"And what do you mean 'we'?"

"Oh just me a the boys, they stayed behind though cus this is a girls only chat! So-"

"And what are they doing now?"
Aiko asked with a feeling of dread.

"I don't know! Denki said something about talking to Monoma but-"

"Why would he do that?!"
Aiko asked, this was all way too embarrassing. Aiko knew that Denki didn't like Monoma, it was one of the reasons she hadn't told them about him yet. Aiko really felt like crying, she loved her friends but right now they were being really embarrassing. Plus Mina seemed like she just wanted gossip.
"I- I have to go!"
Aiko shook her head and ran out, leaving Mina wondering what she did wrong.

Aiko went ahead and left the school, it was about time for Nishi to pick her up anyways.
I have to go, sorry about my friends. I know they probably talked to you
She texted Monoma.

God what did they say to him? Her phone buzzed and she checked the information.
Yeah they were pretty crazy

Her stomach dropped.

What all did they say?
She finally asked, dreading the answer already.

Well not really "they" mainly just that Kaminari guy, the rest of them just seemed kinda freaked out.
Aiko pressed her lips together after reading that. Of course it was just him.

He really just said that I was just trying to "get in your pants" and that he didn't want me talking to you anymore

Aiko stared at the message.
What was wrong with him?! Why would he even care?! He obviously didn't like her so why did it matter to him who she talked to!?
Also not to mention what he said about her.

Getting in her pants?! Why would he say something like that?! Why would he assume that Monoma just wanted to fuck her?! Is that how he felt about her? That someone would only want to be with her for that?! She'd thought Denki was a good guy and maybe he had okay intentions but still.
This was over the line, he wasn't acting like her friend he was acting like her dad or something fucked up.

She ended up basically leaving Monoma on read because of her shock.

It's not true though I swear. He just seemed crazy protective or something.
Monoma texted again when she didn't respond.
You're not mad at me right?

Aiko Please respond

Aiko shook her head, it wasn't his fault Denki had been acting nuts.
No I'm not, sorry I just didn't think he'd ever say something like that.

Sorry about them, really.

And I'm sorry about leaving so soon, my other friend met me in the bathroom and told me they saw us.

Aiko typed, biting her bottom lip.

Was it Ashido? She's totally a gossip yk

Aiko chuckled.

Yeah ik, but she's pretty nice when you get to know her

Wasn't she Tris's friend? I saw them talking a few days ago.
Aiko blinked looking at the message, Mina was talking to Tris? Only a few days ago? Aiko shook her head.
Mina has the right to be friends with whoever she wants too right? It was none of Aiko's business.

But Tris? Mina knew what happened with them, she knew that Tris was really mean to her for no reason right?

Are you sure?

She awaited an answer from monoma, sitting on a bench and waiting for Nishi to pull up.

Well I saw them together inbetween classes that day you skipped school I think. I don't know what they were talking about but they didn't seem to be arguing or anything.

Seemed friendly enough

The day she skipped?! Why was Mina talking to Tris the day Aiko wasn't there? And why was Aiko suddenly feeling so betrayed? So isolated?

Wanna come over tonight and finish up the project?
Well she wasn't completely alone, at least she had Monoma.

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