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Aiko felt like shit.
And she looked like shit. And she slept in.

Not her best day.

Her eyes were puffy from crying herself to sleep and she had mascara streaks from crying after not taking her makeup all the way off. She had also slept in her UA uniform. Meaning it was all wrinkled.
She took a very quick hot shower and hung up her uniform in hopes it would get some of the wrinkles out. Which it did, not a lot but it still did. In the shower she scrubbed her face to get her makeup off only to end up looking super raw and red around her eyes.

So she splashed her face with cold water and gave herself a angry peptalk in the mirror about how she should stop randomly crying.

Then she stress ate three large donuts and packed up a small lunch in a brown paper bag before she left the house. Aiko jogged down the road, knowing she definitely missed the bus. She made it to the train station barely in time and let it take her part of the way to UA. She made it on campus barely on time and had to run all the way to the big door that read "class 1-A"
She sighed and rubbed her eyes before adjusting her bangs to hide her tired puffy eyes.

A part of her didn't want to go in. She felt humiliated. She felt embarrassed for everything. Because her friends were in there, the same friends that told her Monoma was no good. The friends she quit hanging out with because Monoma told her too. She didn't want to see them, she didn't want to have to tell them they were right and she was wrong.

She felt pathetic.

She slid the door open and walked in, she ignored them and sat down in her seat. Hiding her face in her arms. She hoped she passed as just tired or something. But anyone with half a brain would notice that it was pouring rain outside, even though yesterday the forecast was sunny.
'Cus I'm stupid and I can't control my dumb quirk or my dumb emotions! Jeez and I thought I could be a hero! What kinda hero can't control their quirks? What kinda hero cry's over a stupid guy that was a walking red flag? The bad kind. The failed highschool kind. The didn't make it kind.'

Her thoughts were a negative spiral that seemed unending. She sat there, letting her negativity simmer for every class. She got up and practically ran from their room the moment it was time for lunch. She didn't even bother going to the cafeteria, she didn't want to see him. Or anyone for that matter. She wanted to avoid everyone for as long as she could.

"Yeah something's definitely up with her."
Jirou crossed her arms as the group watched Aiko flee from the room.

"She looked upset."
Kirishima said with a frown.

"Yeah but at who? Us?"

"Maybe him, you think he did something?"
Jirou asked.

"If he did I'll punch him!"
Denki stated with a nod.

"Shut up, no you won't."
Jirou rolled her eyes.
"Remember last time? You didn't hit him once. And he was being an ass."

"He threatened me!"
Denki glared at Jirou and pouted.
"What was I supposed to do?"

"Calm down, you were right to not hit him."
Mina gave Denki a pat on the shoulder. She was currently trying her best to be a good friend to Kaminari. After he told her what he was going through, and she was trying her best to make the others do the same.

"Plus we don't even know if she's actually upset. She could just be tired."
Kirishima pointed out.

Bakugou glanced out the window.
"Look, it's Fucking pouring outside! Plus I heard thunder earlier."

"Uh... So?"
Sero said looking out the window.

"I don't follow."
Denki stated in agreement.

"Her quirk dumbass. She can control the weather! But she also effects it with her emotions! The forecast yesterday said it was gonna be sunny. But now it's storming."
Bakugou said like it was obvious.

"Oooooh, geez I didn't know she was that powerful. To subconsciously control the weather?!"
Sero crossed his arms and shivered.

"She's awesome!"
Denki said.

Mina sat for a moment, thinking deeply.
"Hey... Remember that small typhoon like two years back? The one that appeared out of nowhere?"
She asked the group.

"Yeah? What of it?"

"Well... It started the day... The day her sister must've died..."
She said looking out the window.

"You don't think..."
Denki whispered.

"Raincloud started a hurricane that destroyed nearly fifty buildings..."
Bakugou mumbled.

"That would explain a lot about it's movements. It stayed over land for less than a day and went over the ocean."
Sero recalled.

"Damn, she's lucky it didn't kill anyone."
Kirishima said.

"Yeah, there were several people hospitalized though. And there were several homes destroyed."
Mina pointed out.
"Poor Aiko, she must've felt awful about it."

The group nodded.

"But uh... We don't know for sure! We're just guessing! We could be wrong!"
Denki said.
"Anywayyyys, I'm hungry! Let's go to the caf!"

"No one calls it that Denki."
Jirou bumped his shoulder playfully.

"Yeah well I call it that."

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