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He did.
Or rather they did.

The door burst open not even ten minutes after Aiko's phone call. The pros jumped into different tense fighting positions, ready to face another villain attack or something sinister.
But they were met with a teenagers dramatic entrance.
The door was kicked open by a redheaded teengirl, her school uniform was obviously from shiketsu though her hat was Missing and her hair was tangled.

Then yet another teenager from Shiketsu entered through the burst door, this girl had bright hair and three eyes along with the white spots that appeared from the skin condition known as vitiligo.
Unlike the first girl who immediately darted towards Aiko who had been patiently waiting on the couch the second girl slowly looked around, then confidently walked to the staff only snack table to grab a donut.

Nishi grabbed Aiko's face, turning it from side to side in search for any injuries.

Aiko said, though it was hard to understand coming from her smushed face.

Nishi yelled again, hugging Aiko tightly.

"Nishi you're gonna suffocate her."
Hotoki said calmly, with two donuts in her hands and crumb from a third on her cheeks.

"You're not supposed to have those."
A teacher pointed out and Hotoki completely ignored them.

Then, finally following the two was a gentleman in a pressed black suit. He walked through the door like he owned the place.
Which in a way he did, or at least his father did when he helped paid for it with a sizable donation to the school when it was being built.
Mr Tadashi was actually a sponsor for UA high.

"Mr Tadashi! Lovely to see you again!"
Nezu greeted, though he was slightly shocked to see him here. Even Nezu couldn't have predicted that Aiko would be picked up from school by a billionaire.
"I cannot say I expected you to show up today."
He said honestly.

"Yes well I couldn't have predicted this turn of events either, but when miss Zhu called me I immediately made my way over here."
He nodded at Aiko who was still being suffocated by Mr Tadashi's Daughter.

"Tadashi she's trying to take away my donuts!!"
Hotoki yelled when Midnight got too close to her with a stern look on her face.
The donut in question was looped around her middle finger like a big puffy ring of sugar and dough.

"Did you take the donut?"
Mr Tadashi asked and Hotoki she her head.

"The sign said I could have it!"
She pointed to the sign over the snack table.

"The sign says "please take one."
Midnight said, Crossing her arms.

"And I did."
Hotoki said, shoving her finger in her mouth and consuming the donut whole leaving nothing but white powder on her cheeks.
Midnight groaned and Hotoki giggled in victory.

"Nishi put Aiko down, you're killing her."
Mr Tadashi ordered his daughter, spinning on his heel towards the two.
If he had known how rambunctious the two girl would've been he likely would have sent them home and taken the driver to UA by himself.

But a part of him liked the activity. He had wanted children because of the excitement they produced and Because of the love he had to give.
Even though he only ended up having Nishi, his most beloved daughter.

"Well if they had done their job I wouldn't be so worried!"
Nishi said, letting go of Aiko and gesturing at the pro heroes with a glare.

"It's not their fault!"
Aiko said waving her hands infront of Nishi, like she was protecting the pros from her friends wrath.

"Now now now is not the time to single handedly take on UA Nishi."
Mr Tadashi told his daughter patiently.

"She wouldn't be in it alone, I'd totally back her up."
Hotoki said as she poured herself a cup of coffee from the snack table.

"Thank you dear."
Nishi said.

"You're welcome my love."
Hotoki said somewhat sarcastically from her position across the room.

"I'll disown you both if you do that."
Mr Tadashi rolled his eyes.
"Also do I need to sign something or do I just take her?"
He pointed at Aiko who shrugged.

"Yes sign here."
Nezu said, completely ignoring Nishi's icy glare. Don't get her wrong Nishi really admired heroes. Just not all of them.
In fact her least favorite hero was actually All might, she actually had a personal one-sided rivalry with the man.

After finally finishing the paperwork Mr Tadashi was able to take his small, loud group of kids home with him.

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