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She didn't know why it happens.
It just does, one day a year. On the anniversary of the day her life changed she felt it come over her.
Aiko just couldn't speak.

It was like a spell or something.
Infact after it actually happened Aiko went a month without speaking a word, and even after that month she only said one or two words to answer a question. She'd been able to get through it.

But some days were just worse.
Her mother understood, in fact most of the times she had this day off of work. Aiko's mother wrapped her arms around Aiko as the girl walked down the stairs in a daze.
"It's okay baby, I know."
She said soothingly, rubbing her hands through her daughter's hair.

Aiko looked up at her mother with wide brown eyes that seemed to stare into her very soul. Asking her without words.
"I'm sorry, I would call in so you can skip school. But UA has different policies, you can't just skip a day."
The mother said and Aiko looked at the floor.
"You'll be okay."
Her mom used her finger to tilt Aiko's head up.
"Chin up little hero."

Aiko just nodded, all her words caught in her throat. It was just so embarrassing, showing up to school with no voice. Especially since she had friends this time around. They would want to know what was up.
Sure Aiko didn't always talk much, but she wasn't normally mute like she was right now.

Like the two years before Aiko just felt so numb. Even more than usual.
Like she was underwater and everything else was above it. She could hear mumbles of what people were saying, and even see them.
But she couldn't open her mouth to speak to them.


Aiko had a great strategy of coming into class just seconds before the bell rang.
It was a talent at this point.

She'd done it so much that her friend group knew that when it happened she was upset and didn't want them to talk to her before classes.
They all shared a look when Aiko slouched down in her seat, staring forward into nothing.

She looked bad.

Well not bad just not herself.
She had some sizable eye bags and her hair wasn't as well done as normal, it was just unbrushed and settled infront of her eyes like an emo anime character.
She also wasn't wearing her tie and her blazer wasn't buttoned up.
She just looked lost, like she wasn't there mentally.

They'd sent her a few texts when it started to look like she was late but got no answer. That was simply because in her zombie like state Aiko had forgotten her phone at her house.
She hadn't even looked at the messages Monoma had sent her this morning, which was normally the first thing she did after waking up.

Aiko was in a daze, her eyes glazed over as she looked out the window. A scene from two years ago playing over and over again in her mind.
She remembered that day very vividly, the shrieks from the other students around her. The sound of something hitting the pavement, hard.
She shine of the red and blue police lights at the scene. The adults that tried to get through to her, that talked to her in kind voices that she couldn't hear.
The arguing and shit talk between the same adults when they thought she wasn't listening.
Aiko's eyes widened and she realized that literally everyone was staring at her.

She slowly looked up at a very, very pissed of Aizawa. She breifly wondered why she was teaching math, he probably was substituting but she'd definitely been completely zoned out when that was explained.
"I'll do it!"
Denki volunteered for whatever it was Aizawa had called on her to do. There was a math problem written on the board. One Aiko had no idea how to solve.

"Aiko Zhu please step up and finish the problem on the board."
Aizawa said with a glare.
Why did it seem like he really didn't like her? Like he had some personal vendetta against her? Was she imagining it?

Aiko stepped up from her seat without a word, her classmates whispered to each other and stared up at her. Aizawa had called her name five times before she seemed to have heard him and even then she hadn't spoken a word or even showed any sort of emotion.
She walked forward, looking straight ahead.

And then she didn't, she stopped at the blackboard stared for a moment and then bolted out the door.
"Zhu!!! Where the fuck-"
Aizawa groaned and ran his hands through his hair in frustration.
"She just left... Kaminari! You volunteered, answer the question."
Aizawa ordered and Kaminari sweatdropped, he'd only done that because Aiko really seemed like she didn't want to do it.
Not because he knew what he was doing.

Because he definitely didn't.

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