896 44 24

Bruh... wtf, I'm at 100 chapters already?!


Aiko stood on the platform next to the every Stoic Tokoyami. The boy that she tied with.
She glanced up nervously every few seconds at the boy beside her.

In any other situation Aiko would have thought chaining him up was totally unnecessary and overkill. But she had personally witnessed Bakugou when they were trying to convince him to get on the platform.

It hadn't been pretty. It started with normal words from the teachers. Then changed into aggravation, which morphed into force.

Honestly if not for these chains Bakugou wouldn't be up here at all. Todoroki stood calmly on Bakugou's other side, looking around at the crowd. Tokoyami simply crossed his arms looking around with black shadow cowering in his over shirt.

Aiko shifted uncomfortably, rubbing the bandages on her left arm. The skin burned, and felt stiff. But it wasn't too painful. She shuffled around, glancing up at the crowd and at the Jumbotron. She looked back down immediately, it had been facing all of them, slowly shifting from first, to second...

To third.

Towards Aiko. It was scary, know that a camera was on her. Watching and displaying her every move as she stood there, shaking.

Aiko held her hands together and fidgeted with her fingers. She bit down on her lip and glanced down at the students below them.

"You nervous?"

Aiko's head swiveled over to see who had asked her. She saw dark shadow peeking out of Tokoyami's sleeve, hiding from the sunlight.

"You can just ignore him."
Tokoyami said, glancing over at Aiko.

"Hey! That's rude!"
Dark shadow complained. Peeking out farther before shrinking back into the sleeve with a hiss.
"I'm burning up over here."

Aiko smiled lightly and looked up at the sun that was beating down on them. Aiko closed her eyes breathing in deeply. She focused on the wind above the stadium, on the big clouds that slowly floated by.
She urged the gentle breeze to push the cloud over them and block out the shining sun.

And it did.

Dark shadow slipped farther from the shirt, still a fraction of his usual size. Likely because of how Bakugou weakened him during their unfortunately paired match.
"Did you do that?"
Dark shadow inquired.

Aiko asked, flushing.
"Of course not."
She lied nervously, not sure why she was doing so. Who cares if she used her quirk to alter something as small as a cloud?

"But it moved sideways. Clouds don't just change direction like that!"
Dark shadow persisted.
"Thank you."

Aiko glanced over at the shadow who actually dipped down in a very small bow.

"N-no problem."
Aiko whispered. She glanced up at Bakugou who had quieted down. She made eye contact with him, he'd been watching their interaction. Probably listening to it too.

He glared and looked away from them with a huff. Before going back to his muffled yelling.
Aiko sighed and looked down, waiting for this ceremony to begin so she could finally leave, take a quick power nap and then prepare for the concert that was tomorrow.


Fuck this was so nerve wracking. She scanned the people on the grass below her. How many of them were also going to be at the concert? How many of them will be watching her as she revealed that not only was she a singer, but also a hero course student? Not only was she a YouTuber, but she was also their classmate.

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