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A/n: y'all ain't gonna like this chapter.

Also I'm making Monoma a bad person on purpose (obvi) so anything he says or does is not a reflection of what I actually think or find romantic.
It's just his shitty character.


She did.

Turns out Aiko was a lightweight. She choked down a glass or maybe two of the nasty tasting beverage and ended up just a little drunk. She wasn't crazy while intoxicated or anything. She was fairly calm, a little giggly but she was mainly sleepy and dazed. Everything was muffled under layers of intoxication.

And by the sloppiness of Neito's kisses he was probably just as drunk. She mumbled against his lips as he kissed her, her eyes were heavy and she barely processed the sensation of his touch. She barely noticed the feeling of fabric being pulled up and over her head as Neito broke the kiss to pepper more across her chest.
"Beau... Beautiful..."
He whispered against her skin and Aiko flushed.

Aiko felt blurry and could barely tell that she was flat on her back, shirtless on his bed, nestled in his thick blankets and soft pillows. Her hands gently pinned under his grip above her head.

"Neito... I feel all... Sleepy..."
She yawned, he came up from her cleavage and kissed her lips again. Exploring her mouth with his tongue. His hand groped her chest and she let out a little whine.
"Neito... Not there... please?"
She mumbled out groggily and Neito moved his hand down her body a little, set on touching every inch of her.

He mumbled against her lips and Aiko hummed a little in confusion.

He said again, his free hand moving back up to her bra. It stayed above the fabric and he didn't try to remove it. He just settled the palm of his hand over one of her breasts and squeezed, when Aiko opened her mouth to gasp at the odd sensation this action caused, he deepened the kiss, sliding his tounge against hers.
Her legs tightened against either side of his body and she wiggled underneath him. His fingers trailed up the side of her breast and one slipped under her bra strap. He tugged on it once and then again, this time letting go of it and letting it lightly snap against her skin.
Aiko whimpered at the soft pain and she wriggled under him with a pout. Neito let out a small chuckle at her reaction.
He placed a kiss against the spot.
"Do you like being hurt?"
He asked her and she wiggled, pulling her arms from his grip.

"Not really..."
She mumbled, grabbing his shoulders.
"I like... Sleep..."
She said, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"Oh yeah? Alright."
He said, laying on his back and letting her lean against his chest. His finger ran up and down her back as she slowly slipped into sleep.


Aiko heard a familiar clicking sound as she was pulled from sleep. She felt thirsty, and her head throbbed lightly. She hid her face in the blanket that was over her.
The clicking got louder and she peeled her eyes open. She looked around the room and saw Neito sitting at his desk, playing a game on his PC. He was wearing a headset and didn't seem to notice Aiko stirring from her sleep.
She sat up and as she did the blanket fell from her shoulders. The cool air of the room hit her torso.

Her exposed torso.

Aiko gasped and covered her chest with the blanket. She could barely remember last night, she couldn't remember falling asleep of taking off her shirt. She touched her thigh and was relieved to notice that her shorts were still on. She was still wearing her shorts and her bra.
'We didn't... Did we?'
She couldn't remember last night, but she was sure that if she had lost her virginity she would be able to notice. She would feel sore right? Especially because it was her first time. And she wouldn't have put her shorts back on right?

So she was still a virgin. She looked around and leaned off the bed to grab her top. He held the blanket against her even though she knew Monoma had obviously already seen her without a shirt.
When putting it back on she noticed several pink and purple hickeys on her chest but ignored them.

She shouldn't be upset with him right? I mean he was drunk too. He was just as out of control as she was. Aiko didn't know how to feel, all she knew was she was never drinking again.

After putting on her shirt she got up and walked up stairs. Neito noticed her and just said "morning" in a tired voice.
She looked both ways before she made her way to the bathroom across from Neito's room. The last thing she wanted was for his parents to see her hung over.

Because she definitely looked hung over. She splashed water on her face to try and brighten it up and wake herself but it didn't do all that much.
She opened the door and came face to face with Sora, Neito's sister. Sora looked her up and down as she did the first time they met and rolled her eyes.
She mumbled and she grabbed Aiko's arm, pulling her back into the bathroom.

She complained and Sora pushed her onto the toilet seat. She didn't say anything as she looked through a random drawer and pulled out a whisk.
"Why are you holding a whisk?"
Aiko asked with a yawn.

"To get rid of your hickeys."
Sora mumbled.
"Whisk them and go drink some Gatorade. You're obviously hung over."
She said before promptly leaving the bathroom.

Aiko was slightly shocked at the older girls advice and abrupt exit but hey, it it got rid of her hickeys she welcomed the other girls wisdom.

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