Chapter 1

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My knuckles were soaked in both my opponent's blood as well as my own. The punches came quick and the aim was meticulous, yet I dodged them all. I tired out my opponent before throwing my own calculated punches and kicks, knocking them to the ground. I watched as my opponent kneeled on the ground, out of breath. I felt my own lungs burn and my knuckles sting from the fight.

He looked up at me and let out an airy chuckle. "I don't even remember the last time I beat you, kid. I'm not sure why I even tried," he breathed out, looking up at me with proud eyes. A few wrinkles ruined the perfection of his face, yet they made him look wiser.

I put out my hand which he gladly took for me to bring him to his feet. He stood a height of 6"5, an inch or two taller than me. His dark eyes held pride, and no matter how tousled his hair was, he still looked respectable.

Checking the time, I noticed I was running a little late for school. "You better get going or else your mom is gonna yell at me for making you late... again," he laughed as he sipped his water. He was always fairly humorous, though I didn't really respond well to his jokes. I didn't respond at all really.

Nodding, I gathered my things. "Thanks, Alpha. I've been meaning to work on my defense. This helped a lot," I genuinely meant it, but I lacked emotion in my voice. I think Alpha was used to this by now because his proud eyes didn't flinch at my expression. He gave me a small smile as I jogged away.

Quickly showering and throwing on some light clothes, I practically run to my car. I ignore Luna's lectures about tardiness while I raced to get ready. Her voice was often considered a background noise in my mind as she always found a reason to scold me. I barely pulled into the school parking lot on time, but I made it with my tires screeching to a stop. I was thankful I didn't get another late slip, which I'm sure Luna would've lectured me about.

Sitting down in class, I try to ignore the stares and whispers. My piercing eyes glowered at anyone who dared to glance my way, which only led to more whispers. My attention drifted away from the annoying beings and instead focused on the uncomfortable, hard chair this school provided for us.

"Hey, Blaze! Do you know what we are doing in practice today?" Weston questioned as he plopped in the hard seat next to me. 

I detached my eyes from the crowd of judgmental teens to spare my best friend a glance. He was lazily eating an apple as he neatly organized his books on his desk, placing them in order of importance. Weston was just about the only person in my pack that talked to me willingly. Everyone was scared of the pack's strongest warrior, the adopted son of the Alpha and Luna, the adoptive brother of the soon to be Alpha, the once rogue child. People often avoided eye contact with my sharp eyes, shuffling to the furthest corner of the room as soon as they laid eyes on me.

I studied Weston for a moment before answering. He was relaxed in his chair as he crunched on his favorite fruit. His red hair was brushed perfectly and his skin was flawless. He was utterly perfect, which explained why everyone fawned over him. 

"Yeah coach and I talked about doing interval sprints to work on stamina." Weston groaned and rolled his eyes at me. Normally, any other pack member would be scared of acting like this toward me. Not because I would hurt them, but because they were simply scared of the fact I had the ability to hurt them. Badly. I've never hurt a person in the pack on purpose, but they never seemed to think that way.

"You know, you are like the worst captain ever? I'm not sure why I even joined the team when I knew the literal pack trainer would be the captain," he sassed at me, looking annoyed yet amused at the same time. 

He was referring to our ice hockey team that I was captain of. Weston had joined the team because of me after I complained that no one on the team treated me as a friend. I knew I manipulated him a tad bit because Weston always had a soft spot for me. He whined everyday, but he happened to be one of the best player on the team. Maybe because I was always keeping him on his toes.

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now