Chapter 71

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A/N I accidentally labelled this as 72 instead of 71. My bad guys!!!

When I first caught sight of Quinn laying on the couch, I assumed he was dead. I hesitantly walked around the couch, observing the motionless incubus.

"I'm not dead."

I let out a heavy breath. "Oh thank the goddess," I let out, chuckling a bit from the overwhelming nervousness that washed over me.

He sat up, allowing me room to sit next to him on the couch. No one was awake yet, probably beat from all the night time activities. Quinn pointed to my neck which had a fresh bite wound. "Finally mated?" I nodded. "Nice."

I raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking the obvious question. "Stop looking at me like that! I was just on a run." He was in running clothes and sneakers, so his excuse wasn't poorly supported.

"A run through the woods? Then you somehow stumbled upon this cabin and decided to lay on the couch? How long have you been here?" Quinn threw his hands up in defense.

"Not long, only a couple of hours. You can't blame me, your sexual energy was tickling me all the way across pack territory!" He claimed, holding himself as if he was a toddler throwing a tantrum.

My eyes narrowed as I looked to see if he was telling the truth or not. I didn't think he was lying, but I also didn't think it was the whole truth. "When was the last time you ate?"

"Thursday! A few newly mated couples have been offering up their series, so I've been plenty fed."

"So you weren't hungry, but still felt the pull to come here. If the pull was so strong, why isn't Joseph here?" He tensed, frowning as he faced realty. "This isn't about the sexual energy, is it?"

Before he got a chance to explain himself, Lyle marched down the stairs in only a pair of basketball pants. His new mark and plenty of hickeys were on display. He glanced at Quinn, but didn't seem phased by his presence. He gave me a firm kiss before moving to the kitchen.

"Quinn, have you had pop tarts before?" Quinn shook his head, causing a wide grin to grow on my mate's face. "Let me introduce you to the most sugary goodness that will ever enter your mouth." Lyle popped a two pack into the toaster.

I walked up to my mate, wrapping my arms around him from behind. "Did you know he was here?" I whispered into his ear.

"I saw him last night when I came down for water. I'm choosing not to ask questions. I made a vow to not be on his bad side."

I sighed, deciding not to dwell on the situation for a bit and instead make eggs. As Lyle boasted about how many pop tart flavors he's tried before to Quinn, I started frying eggs for us. We all sat at the table with a small breakfast consisting of toast, eggs, orange juice, and of course pop tarts.

"How was the mating?" Quinn asked Lyle, knowing I wouldn't be as open mouthed as my mate.

Lyle moaned loudly, still with food in his mouth. "Sex is fantastic. If I wasn't a werewolf, I'd want to be an incubus to give me an excuse to have sex all day long." I cringed as Lyle began going into more details about our sex, but didn't stop him as Quinn wasn't bothered at all. I figured Quinn might also be feeding a little bit off of Lyle's sexual arousal by retelling the story.

After breakfast, Quinn received a call from a worried Joseph. Quinn didn't put up a fight and saw himself out as soon as the call ended.

"Shower?" I looked up to see Lyle waiting at the stairs for me to follow.

Lyle was the first to shower as I began to organize our things. I set out new clothes for the day for both Lyle and me. The lump of sticky sheets in the corner of the room made me sigh thinking about having to wash those. We cleaned ourselves up last night using some spare towels, but those didn't help the sweat and cum that still clung to our skin.

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