Chapter 72

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A/N This is the real chapter 72

Now that the mating process was complete, there was a lot of pack business that needed to be handled. Xander devoted all of this time to the senate so I could focus on helping Lyle and Ace out. Xander and Lyle butt heads a lot, causing some unneeded stress for Ace. I suspect Lyle is expecting Xander to have my personality, and gets constantly shocked when he realizes Xander is far more outgoing and carefree than I am.

Knowing that Lyle and Xander have been more argumentative than usual, I was stuck with helping the new Alpha and Luna out with planning their coronation and working out the kinks of combining packs. It was more complicated since Xander and I are technically still the Alphas of Black Hearts. We have to relinquish our status over to Lyle.

I've spent the past two weeks following our mating ceremony just in the office with Ace doing paperwork and planning. Lyle still had to do a lot of training, especially since I wasn't the pack trainer anymore.

Everyday once Lyle finishes training, I meet up with him at the field so we can walk back together. Lyle has been adamant on setting alone time since our schedules are so busy. I never put up a fight when he started shifting through our schedules to find private moments for us. This walk was one of those times.

I couldn't help but be surprised to see Quinn sitting on a low tree branch observing the pack training session when I arrived at the field to pick up Lyle. His eyes were clearly trained on Lyle, but they lingered to Alex every moment or so.

From the base of the tree I looked up at him, silently asking him to climb down. When he didn't acknowledge my presence, I sighed heavily before climbing up myself. I'm sure I didn't do it as gracefully as the demigod.

Sitting next to him, I settled with a huff.

"Can I help you?" He snapped, not bothering to spare me a glance.

I raised my eyebrow, noticing him clutching something. I pointed to it. "What's that?"

His eyes darted to me, glaring furiously before unfolding his hand to reveal a crumbled bloodied tissue.

"You get a bloody nose?" He shook his head, not elaborating more.

"Then whose blood is that?"

"Is this fucking fifty questions, Alpha?" He snapped, only raising my curiosity more. Quinn was always sassy, but rarely this snappy with me.

"You didn't answer my question," I reminded, but he didn't budge. Instead of pressing further, I examined the bright blood. It seemed brighter than normal, but I couldn't quite tell what that meant.

"You're good with blood," I stated without irritating him with another question. "I know you typically taste it, but I'm going to assume its physical appearance indicates stuff as well." I say it confidently enough to not appear as a question.

He nodded, giving me a quick curious look. "Dark means magic, really dark and sweet means black magic," he confirmed.

"What if the person is filled with light, not dark?" Quinn loved talking about his passions, even when he was preoccupied, so I wasn't surprised these questions got him to open up quickly.

"Darkness is caused by death," he was quick to elaborate. "Dark magic requires sacrifices to work. Vice versa light is caused by life. You need to create life in order to be light."

His words didn't make sense to me, but I refrained from asking another question. We watched the training session in silence.

Once Lyle waltzed up to us, Quinn slipped away, leaving no trace of his presence. I climbed down to greet my sweaty mate. "Why were you in a tree?" He chuckled, taking a swig of water.

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now