Chapter 39

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Our limbs were tangled together when I woke up. Thankfully, Lyle is a very heavy sleeper because I was able to detangle myself in order to take a shower. I managed to convince Hayden to drop me off clothes and breakfast since he was practically the only person not at school or work. Uncle Zach told me it was best to take the week off and care for Lyle, same with Xander and Ace.

Once I cleaned up and changed into my new pair of joggers and t-shirt, I set up breakfast for Lyle and myself. This consisted of two cups of coffee, mine black and his with way too much sugar and cream, and then hash browns, and bagels.

I walked over to the bed where Lyle was reluctant to wake up. I watched him peacefully sleep for a moment, his hair falling in his face and tickling his nose.

Bending over to be level with his face, I whispered, "Lyle? You want breakfast?" He groggily opened his eyes, and my breath hitched in my throat. He looked incredibly adorable and beautiful and sexy at the same time. I couldn't help but stare.

He slowly sat up, yawning and rubbing his face in the process. Now I was staring at his bare chest a little too obviously. He smirked at me when I noticed, but didn't say anything. I felt a light blush upon my cheeks.

"Did you get coffee?" He asked, eyes perking up when they landed on the cups. I simply grabbed his cup and handed it to him so he wouldn't have to get up. Apparently that was the right thing to do because he flashed me a big, teeth smile.

I handed him a plate with his bagel and hash brown as well. I chose to sit at the table, but faced him as we ate.

"Did you leave to get this? I didn't hear you," he questioned between bites and sips.

I shook my head as I finished chewing. "Got Hayden to do it." That apparently was the wrong answer because Lyle frowned and scowled at his food.

"You're close with Hayden, huh?" I was taken aback by the question. I blinked a few times before answering.

"Well, I guess so. We are in charge of training the pack, so we are with each other a lot," I answered honestly, but I knew what he was asking.

Lyle rolled his eyes, irritated now. "He smelled like you. As if he was with you. Very close to you," he accused pointedly.

I have never delt with a jealous partner before. Alex used to make a half-hearted comment once and a while, but never as accusative as this.

"Yeah, we usually eat together. I had breakfast with him yesterday, and that's where I asked him to guard your door. He's one of the only people who knows I'm still talking to you. Well now my whole family knows," I mumbled, trying to brush over the truth.

Lyle scoffed at me, only causing me more confusion. "You eat meals together? He smelled like he rolled around in your bed! And he knows you have a mate when he's mateless? He obviously has a crush on you, and he's hoping I will reject you!"

All I could do was blink. My typical stoic face was overcome by confusion. I probably looked like a deer stuck in headlights. "Okay... Well are you?" My question caused him to snap his head back at me.

"Am I what?" He sneered.

"Are you planning on rejecting me?" It was as if I had kicked a fucking puppy. His eyebrows knit together and his scowl instantly turned into a frown.

"Why would you even ask that!" He yelled at me, throwing his arms in the air. I was worried he'd spill his food on the bed, but I tried not to focus on that. "I wouldn't be suffering through heat if I wanted to reject you! So what if we bicker? So what if we have this weird dominance confusion going on? You are still my mate! And Apollo is Fallon's! All this confusion and I'm still here! And don't get me started on who the fuck Ace's wolf must be to Apollo if you and Xander share a wolf!" All I could do was stare at him wide eyed. I wasn't sure where this outburst came from. I'm sure it had something to do with his heat since I could smell his pheromones raging through the room.

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